
Functions are used in formulas that you create on the Formula Editor Dialog Box, which you can invoke from the Import Scenarios (SM206025) and Export Scenarios (SM207025) forms.

To add functions to a formula, you can type them in the Formula Text pane of the dialog box or select them from the list of formula components available within the dialog box. (Select a function type to view the list of functions of the type, and then select a function.)

This topic describes and provides examples of the functions you can use in formulas, broken down by type.

Conversion Functions

The available conversion functions, which are used to convert data from one data type to another, are listed below.

Function Description and Example

Converts the expression used as the function argument into a Boolean expression. Returns False if the Boolean value is zero; otherwise, returns True.

Example: =CBool([CashDiscountAmount]

Here [CashDiscountAmount] is used as the function argument.


Converts the expression used as the function argument into a value of the Date type. The argument should be a valid date expression according to the locale selected for the import or export scenario.

Example: =CDate('24/12/2011')

Here a string is used as the function argument.


Converts the expression used as the function argument into a string. If the argument is Null, the function returns a run-time error; otherwise, it returns a string.

Example: ='(' +CStr([AreaCode])+')'+CStr([Phone])

Here [AreaCode] and [Phone] are used in the function argument.


Converts the expression defined in the function argument into a value of the Double type.

Example: =CDbl(1.0/[ExchangeRate])

Here [ExchangeRate] is used in the function argument.


Converts the expression used as the function argument into a value of the Single type. If the expression has a value outside the acceptable range for the Single type, this function returns an error.

Example: =CSng([CashDiscountAmount]/[DocAmount])

Here [CashDiscountAmount] and [DocAmount] are used in the function argument.


Converts the expression used as the function argument into a value of the Decimal type.

Example: =CDec([DocAmount]*0.015)

Here [DocAmount] is used in the function argument.


Converts the expression used as the function argument into a value of the Integer type.

Example: =CInt('2012')-Year([DocDate])

Here [DocDate] is used in the function argument.


Converts a numeric value to a value of the Short type.

Example: =CShort([CashDiscountAmount])

Here [CashDiscountAmount] is used as the function argument.


Converts a numeric value to a value of the Long type.

Example: =CLong([CashDiscountAmount])

Here [CashDiscountAmount] is used as the function argument.

Text Functions

Text functions are used to perform operations on text strings. The group of text functions includes the functions described below.

Function Description and Example

Removes all leading spaces or parsing characters from the specified string, or all leading zero bytes (0) from the specified binary expression.

Example: =LTrim(CStr([Phone]))

Here [Phone] is used as the function argument.


Removes all trailing spaces or parsing characters from the specified character expression, or all trailing zero (0) bytes from the specified binary expression.

Example: =RTrim(CStr([AreaCode]))

Here [AreaCode] is used as the function argument.


Removes all leading and trailing spaces or parsing characters from the specified character expression, or all leading and trailing zero (0) bytes from the specified binary expression.

Example: =Iif(Trim([Country])

Here [Country] is used in the function argument.

Format(format, argument(s))

Replaces the format item in a specified formatting string (format) with the text equivalent of the arguments (arguments).

Example: =Format('Currency: . . . . . . . . {0:C}; Account: . . . . . . . . {1:N}', [Currency], [AccountBalance])

Here [Currency] and [AccountBalance] are used in the function argument; 0 and 1 are the specifiers indicating where the arguments will be inserted, C is the currency format specifier, and N is the number format specifier.


Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase. The string argument can be any valid string expression. If string contains Null, Null is returned.

Example: =UCase([CustomerName])

Here [CustomerName] is used as the function argument.


Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase. The string argument can be any valid string expression. If string contains Null, Null is returned.

Example: =LCase(CStr([CustomerID])

Here [CustomerID] is used in the function argument.

InStr(string, findString)

Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string (findString) within another (string).

Example: =InStr([CustomerName], 'Inc')

Here [CustomerName] is used in the function argument.

Substring(string, findString, length)

Returns a string containing the specified number of characters (length) from the first occurrence of one string (findString) within another (string). The first character has the 0 index.

Example: =Substring( [Name], 3, 8)

Here [Name] is used in the function argument.

InStrRev(string, findString)

Returns the position of the last occurrence of one string (findString) within another (string).

Example: =InStrRev([CustomerName], 'Inc')

Here [CustomerName] is used in the function argument.


Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in the string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.

Example: =Len([CustomerName])

Here [CustomerName] is used as the function argument.

Left(string, length)

Returns a string containing the specified number of characters from the left side of a string. If string contains Null, Null is returned.

Example: =Left(Trim([VendorName]), 10)

Here [VendorName] is used in the function argument.

Right(string, length)

Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from the right side of a string. If string contains Null, Null is returned.

Example: =Right(CustomerName, 3)

Here [CustomerName] is used in the function argument.

Replace(string, oldValue, newValue)

Returns a string in which the specified substring (oldValue) has been replaced with another substring (newValue).

Example: =Replace([Description], 'rur', 'eur')

Here [Description] is used in the function argument.

PadLeft(string, width, paddingChar)

Right-aligns the characters in a specified string (string), padding with the specified character (paddingChar) on the left up to the specified total width (width). If the actual length of the string is less than the specified width, returns the original string.

Example: =PadLeft(CStr(Phone), 12, '_')

Here [Phone] is used in the function argument. If the actual length of the string is less than the specified width, returns the original string.

PadRight(string, width, paddingChar)

Left-aligns the characters in a specified string (string), padding with the specified character (paddingChar) on the right up to the specified total width (width).

Example: =PadRight(CStr([City]), 25, '_')

Here [City] is used in the function argument. If the actual length of the string is less than the specified width, returns the original string.

Math Functions

Mathematical functions, which are listed and described below, perform calculations, usually based on input values provided as arguments, and return numeric values.

Function Description and Example

Returns the absolute value of the number.

Example: =Abs([TotalDebit]-[TotalCredit])

Here [TotalDebit] and [TotalCredit] are used in the function argument.


Returns the largest integer that is not greater than the argument.

Example: =Floor([Price]/([Cost])

Here [Price] and [Cost] are used in the function argument.


Returns the smallest integer that is not less than the argument.

Example: =Ceiling([Price]/[Cost])

Here [Cost] and [Price] are used in the function argument.

Round(x, decimals)

Returns a numeric expression, rounded to the specified precision (decimals).

Example: =Round(([Price]-[Cost])/[Cost], 2)

Here [Cost] and [Price] are used in a function argument, and 2 is the number of decimal places.

Min(x, y)

Returns the smaller of the two values.

Example: =Min([Price],[Cost])

Here [Cost] and [Price] are used in the function argument.

Max(x, y)

Returns the greater of the two values.

Example: =Max({StandardCost],[AvrCost])

Here [StandardCost] and [AvrCost] are used in the function argument.

Pow(x, power)

Computes the value of x raised to the specified power (power).

Example: =Pow(([Markup], 2))

Here [Markup] is used in the function argument; the function returns the markup value squared (or to the second power).

Date and Time Functions

The date and time functions, described below, perform operations on input values and return values of the following types: string, numeric, or date and time.

Function Description and Example
DateAdd(date, interval, number)
Returns a new date, which is calculated by adding the specified number (number) of time intervals (interval) to the date (date). The interval argument specifies the type of time interval and can be one of the following options:
  • y, yy, yyyy, or year: The specified number (number) of years will be added to the specified date (date).
  • m, mm, or month: The specified number (number) of months will be added to the specified date (date).
  • d, dd, or day: The specified number (number) of days will be added to the specified date (date).
  • h, hh, or hour: The specified number (number) of hours will be added to the specified date (date).
  • n, mi, or minute: The specified number (number) of minutes will be added to the specified date (date).
  • s, ss, or second: The specified number (number) of seconds will be added to the specified date (date).
  • w, ww, wk, or week: The specified number (number) of weeks will be added to the specified date (date).
  • q, qq, or quarter: The specified number (number) of quarters will be added to the specified date (date).
Consider the following examples:
  • =DateAdd([StartPeriod], 'm', 12)
  • =DateAdd([CashDiscountDate], 'd', -2)

In these examples, [CashDiscountDate] and [StartPeriod] are the fields that are used as the function arguments.

DateDiff(interval, date1, date2)
Returns the count (as a signed integer value) of the specified interval boundaries that are crossed between the specified date1 and date2. The interval argument, which specifies the type of time interval, can be one of the following options:
  • y, yy, yyyy, or year: The time interval is specified in years.
  • m, mm, or month: The time interval is specified in months.
  • d, dd, or day: The time interval is specified in days.
  • h, hh, or hour: The time interval is specified in hours.
  • n, mi, or minute: The time interval is specified in minutes.
  • s, ss, or second: The time interval is specified in seconds.
  • w, ww, wk, or week: The time interval is specified in weeks.
  • q, qq, or quarter: The time interval is specified in quarters.

Consider the following example: =DateDiff('d', CDate('3/12/2018'), CDate('4/12/2018'))


Returns the day (as an integer) extracted from the specified date (date).

Consider the following example: =Iif(Day([DueDate]-[LeadTime])=0, True, False

Here [DueDate] and [LeadTime] are used in the function argument.


Returns the day of the week associated with the specified date (date) as an integer.

Consider the following example: =DayOfWeek([StartPeriod])

Here [StartPeriod] is used as the function argument.


Returns the day of the year calculated for the specified date (date).

Consider the following example: =DayOfYear([StartPeriod])

Here [StartPeriod] is used as the function argument.


Converts the specified integer value (day) to a string that contains the ordinal number in the current locale. For example, for the English locale, the string contains the short form of the ordinal number, such as 1st or 2nd. For numbers that are less than 1 or greater than 31, the function returns an empty string.

Consider the following example: =DayOrdinal(1)


Returns the hours extracted from the specified date (date).

Example: =Hour([StartPeriod])

Here [StartPeriod] is used as the function argument.


Returns the number of minutes extracted from the specified date (date).

Example: =Minute([StartPeriod])

Here [StartPeriod] is used as the function argument.


Returns the month, as an integer, extracted from the specified date (date).

Example: =Month([StartPeriod])

Here [StartPeriod] is used as the function argument.


Returns a string that contains the name of the month extracted from the specified date (date) in the current locale.

Consider the following example: =MonthName(CDate('3/12/2022'))


Returns the current date and time according to the system date and time on the local computer.

Example: =Now()

Returns the current date and time in the user's time zone. The system extracts the user's time zone from one of the following sources, which are ordered by priority from the highest to the lowest:
  1. The time zone specified for the user in the Time Zone box (General Info tab) of the User Profile (SP203010) form.
  2. The employee calendar selected for the user in the Calendar box of the General Info tab of the Employees (EP203000) form. The time zone of the calendar is specified in the Summary area of the Work Calendar (CS209000) form.
  3. The time zone specified for the site in the Login Time Zone box on the Site Preferences (SM200505) form.

Consider the following example: =NowUTC()


Returns the seconds extracted from the specified date (date) as an integer.

Example: =Second([StartPeriod])

Here [StartPeriod] is used as the function argument.


Returns the current date according to the system date and time on the local computer.

Example: =Today()

Returns the current date in the user's time zone. The system extracts the user's time zone from one of the following sources, which are ordered by priority from the highest to the lowest:
  1. The time zone specified for the user in the Time Zone box (General Info tab) of the User Profile (SP203010) form.
  2. The employee calendar selected for the user in the Calendar box (General Info tab) of the Employees (EP203000) form. The time zone of the calendar is specified in the Summary area of the Work Calendar (CS209000) form.
  3. The time zone in the site preferences, which are specified in the Login Time Zone box on the Site Preferences (SM200505) form.

Consider the following example: =TodayUTC()


Returns the year, as an integer, extracted from the specified date (date).

Example: =Year([StartPeriod])

Here [StartPeriod] is used as the function argument.

Other Functions

This miscellaneous group of functions includes the following functions.

Function Description and Example
IIf(expression, truePart, falsePart)

Returns one of two values, depending on the evaluation of the expression: If the expression evaluates to True, the function returns the truePart value; otherwise, it returns the falsePart value.

Example: =IIf(([CurrencyID]='', 'USD', [CurrencyID])

Here [CurrencyID] is used in the function argument.

IsNull(value, nullValue)

Returns nullValue if value is NULL; otherwise, returns value.

Example: =IsNull([CustomerID],'NULL value') Here, [CustomerID] is used in the function argument.

NullIf(value1, value2)

Returns NULL if value1 is equal to value2.


Calculates the hash string for the specified string.

Example: =Provider.CalculateHash([CUSTOMER ID] + [INVOICE REF NBR] + [LINE NBR])

In this example, the hash string is calculated for the string that contains concatenated values of the [CUSTOMER ID], [INVOICE REF NBR], and [LINE NBR] fields.


Calculates the hash code (which is an Integer value) for the specified string.

Example: =Provider.CalculateHash([CUSTOMER ID] + [INVOICE REF NBR] + [LINE NBR])

In this example, the hash code is calculated for the string that contains concatenated values of the [CUSTOMER ID], [INVOICE REF NBR], and [LINE NBR] fields.

SubstituteAll(sourceField, substitutionList)

Replaces all values of the sourceField field with the values from the substitutionList substitution list. If no substitution value is defined for a particular value of the field, the system displays an error.

Example: =SubstituteListed([COUNTRY], 'Country')

In this example, [COUNTRY] is a field defined in the data provider of the scenario, and 'Country' is a substitution list defined on the Substitution Lists (SM206026) form.

For details about how to create substitution lists, see To Substitute Values During Data Import or Data Export.

SubstituteListed(sourceField, substitutionList)

Replaces the values of the sourceField field with the values from the substitutionList substitution list if a substitution value is defined for a particular value of the field.

Example: =SubstituteListed([COUNTRY], 'Country')

In this example, [COUNTRY] is a field defined in the data provider of the scenario, and 'Country' is a substitution list defined on the Substitution Lists (SM206026) form.

For details about how to create substitution lists, see To Substitute Values During Data Import or Data Export.

Switch( expression_1, value_1, expression_2, value_2, ...)

Returns the value (value_n) that corresponds to the first expression (expression_n) that evaluates to True. expression_1, expression_2, and so on are Boolean expressions.

Example: =Switch(([DocAmount]<100), 'small', (([DocAmount]>=100) And ([DocAmount]<500)), 'medium',(([DocAmount]>=500) And ([DocAmount]<1000)),'large')

Here [DocAmount] is used in the function argument.