To Reconcile Customer Balances with GL Accounts

To perform reconciliation, you compare the total balance of open documents with the balance of the AR account used in Accounts Receivable documents according to the transactions posted to the account. The balances must be equal.

To Review and Release Unreleased Accounts Receivable Documents

  1. Open the AR Edit (AR611000) report.
    1. On the Report Parameters tab, in the Company/Branch box, check the company or branch to which the documents are related.
    2. In the From Period box, check the start period of the documents to be included in the report.
    3. In the To Period box, check the end period of the documents to be included in the report.
    4. In the Customer box, specify a customer whose documents you want to include in the report.
    5. In the Created By box, specify a user who created transactions which you need to include in the report.
    6. Select the Include Transactions on Hold check box to include transactions that have the Hold status (if applicable).
    7. Click Run Report.
  2. In the report that opens, click the reference numbers of the invoices with the On Hold status.
  3. On the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form that opens for each invoice, click Release on the form toolbar to release the document.

Now all Accounts Receivable documents are released.

To Reconcile the Total of Open Customer Documents With the Balance of GL Account

  1. Open the AR Balance by GL Account (AR632000) form.
  2. On the Report Parameters tab, in the Report Format box, select Open Documents.
  3. In the Company/Branch box, review the name of the company or branch selected and change it, if needed.
  4. In the Financial Period box, check the period which should be covered by the report and change it, if needed.
  5. Clear the Include Applications check box.
  6. On the form toolbar, click Run Report.

    The report shows the AR accounts used in accounts receivable documents, and the list of documents that have been posted to these accounts and that are open by the end of the period.

To Prepare the Trial Balance Summary

  1. Open the Trial Balance Summary (GL632000) form.
  2. On the Report Parameters tab, in the Company/Branch box, check the name of the company or branch for which the report should be prepared and change it, if needed.
  3. In the Ledger box, check the ledger whose documents should be included in the report and change it, if needed.
  4. In the Financial Period box, check the period which should be covered by the report and change it, if needed.
  5. Select the Suppress Zero Balances to remove accounts that have all zero values from the report.

    The report shows the balance of an account. It is the total amount of the transactions posted to this account in the general ledger by the end of the specified period.

  6. Compare the balance of the selected general ledger account according to the AR Balance by GL Account (AR632000) report and the Trial Balance Summary (GL632000) report.