Customers: Related Reports and Inquiries

This topic describes the reports, inquiries, and forms you may review to gather information about customers.

If you do not see a report or inquiry, this could mean that you have signed in to the system with a user account that does not have access rights to the form. Sign in as the admin user, or contact your system administrator.

Reviewing Customer Documents

You can review the customer's documents at any time on the Customer Details (AR402000) form. The form shows the detailed balance and the list of documents for the particular customer. By default, the form shows all the customer's open documents.

You can also run this inquiry by clicking Customer Details (under Inquiries) on the More menu of the Customers (AR303000) form.

To review the customer documents that have been released (documents with the Open, Closed, and Reserved statuses), you run the AR Register (AR621500) report.

Reviewing Customer Profile

To review the database information for a particular customer, you run the Customer Profiles (AR651000) report. You can also run this report by clicking Customer Profile (under Reports) on the More menu of the Customers (AR303000) form.

Reviewing Customer Documents and Balance

You can review the open documents, applications, and customer balances at the end of a period, grouped by customer and AR account by running the AR Balance by Customer (AR632500) report.

Reviewing Customer Balance

You can review the customer balance, which you can further reconcile with the balance of the accounts receivable GL account, by running the AR Balance by GL Account (AR632000) report. To reconcile the GL balance of the AR account with the customer balance, you compare the balance obtained in this report with the trial balance for the same period.

Reviewing Customer Balance History

You can review the history of the customer's balance over a specified date range by running the Customer History (AR652000) report.

Recalculating Customer Balances

You can use the Recalculate Customer Balances (AR509900) form to recalculate customer balances. Balances are recalculated based on the history records (released AR documents) that are matched to the customer balances stored in the database. Also, you can run this process if there is any discrepancy between the customer balance and the total amount of all the released customer documents.