To Check Funds for Payments
Before issuing one or more payments or printing any checks for specific vendor account, you might need to check whether you have sufficient funds in the account. You can check funds for payments by using the Batch Payments (AP305000) form.
To Check Funds Available for Payments
- Open the Prepare Payments (AP503000) form.
- In the Cash Account box of the Selection area, select the cash account to be used as the source for paying bills.
- In the Payment Method box, select the payment method associated with the cash account.
- Optional: If you want to pay documents with due dates approaching, select the Due Date in Less Than check box, and then in the box on the right, specify the maximum number of days before the due date.
- Optional: To select for payment only the documents whose cash discounts expire in the coming days, select the Cash Discount Expires in Less Than check box and use the corresponding box to specify the number of the days.
- Optional: Select the vendor for which you want to view outstanding
documents.Note:You can apply one of available shared filters by using the table toolbar or create a new filter to display only relevant documents in the table. For more information, see Saving of Filters for Future Use.
- Select the documents to pay by using the check boxes in the Selection column.
- Make sure the amount to be paid for the selected documents (in the Selection Total box in the Selection area) is within the balance of the cash account (in the Available Balance box).
- If required, return to Step 4 to narrow or to extend the selection of documents to pay by
using the selected cash account.Note:After you analyze funds for payments, you can transfer funds from one cash account to another by using the Funds Transfers (CA301000) form, if needed.