To Track Payments to Vendors

To quickly check the history of payments to a vendor, you use the following forms, as described in the sections of this topic:

To Check Whether a Bill Has Been Paid

  1. Open the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form.
  2. In the Type box of the Summary area, select Bill.
  3. In the Reference Nbr. box, select the number of the bill whose payments you want to check.
  4. Check whether the bill has been paid as follows:
    • In the Balance box, check the amount to be paid for the bill. If the amount is zero, the bill has been paid in full.
    • On the Applications tab, view all payments that have been applied to the bill.

To View All Payments to a Vendor

  1. Open the Vendor Details (AP402000) form.
  2. In the Branch box of the Selection area, select the branch for which you want to view prepayments.
  3. In the Vendor box, select the vendor.
  4. In the Period box, select the financial period for which the payments will be displayed, or leave the box blank to view payments of all financial periods.
  5. Optional: Select the Include Unreleased Documents check box to include unreleased documents among those listed.
  6. Check the payments to the vendor as follows:
    • In the table, view the list of payments that match the selected criteria.
    • In the Balance by Documents box of the Selection area, notice the total amount of the listed payments to the vendor. This balance is based on the criteria you have selected.
    • In the Current Balance box, notice the total amount of payments to the vendor, as retrieved from the Accounts Payable account history records stored in the database.

To See Whether a Bill Has Been Approved For Payment

  1. Open the Approve Bills for Payment (AP502000) form.
  2. In the Selection Date box of the Selection area, select the date of the document approval.
  3. Select the vendor whose bills you want to check.
  4. Optional: In the Selection area, specify other filtering criteria to narrow the search results.
  5. In the table, the bills with the Open status that meet your selected criteria are listed; if the bill in a row is approved for payment, the check box in the unlabeled column of that row is selected and you can see the pay date of the Accounts Payable document in the Pay Date column.