Vendor Relations in Accounts Payable Documents

The vendor relations functionality may affect the AP bills and debit adjustments that can be created manually or automatically based on purchase orders or purchase receipts.

This functionality is available only if the Vendor Relations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Accounts Payable Documents Based on Purchase Orders or Purchase Receipts

If an accounts payable bill or debit adjustment is automatically created based on a purchase order or purchase receipt with a supplied-to vendor specified, the system specifies in the accounts payable document the vendor and vendor location (in the Vendor and Location boxes of the Bills and Adjustments(AP301000) form) defined in the Pay-to Vendor and Pay-to Vendor Location boxes, respectively on the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form for a purchase order or the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form for a purchase receipt. For details, see Vendor Relations in Purchase Documents.

Accounts Payable Documents Created Manually

If you create an accounts payable document manually by using the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form, the system updates the Supplied-by Vendor and Supplied-by Vendor Location boxes on the Financial Details tab (in the Receipt Info section) as follows, depending on whether vendor relations are set up for the selected vendor:
  • If vendor relations are not set up (that is, if the selected vendor is neither a supplied-by vendor nor a pay-to vendor), the system updates the Supplied-by Vendor and Supplied-by Vendor Location boxes with the vendor selected in the Summary area and its location, and makes these boxes unavailable for editing.
  • If the selected vendor is a supplied-by vendor, the system updates the Supplied-by Vendor and Supplied-by Vendor Location boxes with the selected vendor and its location, and makes these boxes unavailable for editing.
  • If the selected vendor is a pay-to vendor, the system updates the Supplied-by Vendor box with the current vendor, and makes this box available for editing. You can override the value in this box with any supplied-by vendor account and change the Supplied-by Vendor Location value, if needed.
If you select a pay-to vendor in the bill or adjustment, you can add to the accounts payable document a purchase order or purchase receipt assigned to the supplied-by vendor (that you select in the Supplied-by Vendor box) by using the Add PO, Add PO Receipt, and Add PO Receipt Line buttons on the table toolbar of the Document Details tab.
The list of documents varies depending on the selected supplied-by vendor and its location.

Discount Calculation in Accounts Payable Documents with Vendor Relations Set Up

For a bill or adjustment on the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form, if the supplied-by vendor (specified in the Supplied-by Vendor box of the Financial Details tab) differs from the vendor specified in the Vendor box of the Summary area, the system applies the discounts of the supplied-by vendor.

Tax Calculation in Accounts Payable Documents with Vendor Relations Set Up

For a bill or adjustment on the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form with vendor relations set up, the system updates the Vendor Tax Zone box on the Financial Details tab with the tax zone of the vendor selected in the Supplied-by Vendor box on this tab. The system calculates the tax and taxable amounts in this accounts payable document by using this tax zone.