Integration with Microsoft Teams

You integrate Microsoft Teams with MYOB Acumatica to enable user collaboration within a single platform and to eliminate the need for users to switch between multiple applications.

This functionality is available only if the Teams Integration feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.


Before you integrate Microsoft Teams with MYOB Acumatica, your company must be signed up for a Microsoft cloud service, such as Azure or Office 365, with the Azure Active Directory instance configured. For more information, see Azure Active Directory on the Microsoft Azure Portal.

You need to have a Microsoft Teams account, as well as the Teams desktop application or the ability to use Teams on the web. Also, appropriate Microsoft roles need to be assigned to you and to everyone involved in or using the integration. These roles include Global Administrator, Application Administrator, and Teams Administrator. (For details on roles, see Azure RBAC documentation.)

To configure the Microsoft Teams integration in MYOB Acumatica, you must be signed in to a user account with one of the following roles Acumatica Support, Administrator, CR Sales & Marketing Admin, or CR Support Admin. (For details on MYOB Acumatica roles, see Configuring User Roles.) Also, MYOB Acumatica administrators must be assigned both the Teams Administrator role and the Global Administrator role.

Configuration Steps

You can configure integration with Teams when you implement MYOB Acumatica or at any later time. To integrate an instance of MYOB Acumatica with Teams, you perform the following general steps:

  1. You perform the needed configuration actions on the Azure AD instance. That is, you register your MYOB Acumatica instance with the Azure AD instance, and you obtain the needed credentials, as described in To Configure Microsoft Azure for Teams Integration.
  2. You configure your MYOB Acumatica instance and Teams application, as described in To Configure MYOB Acumatica and Teams for Teams Integration.

Sharing of Records

Before you can share MYOB Acumatica records through Teams, you need to add a new activity type on the Activity Types (CR102000) form. A user selects this activity type to send a link to a record to a Teams channel or a Teams member. The menu commands that correspond to the created activity type then appear on the appropriate parts of the forms as follows:

  • For forms that have the Activities tab: The Create Teams command on the Create Activity menu (see the following screenshot).
    Figure 1. The Create Teams Message command on the Create Activity tab

  • For forms that do not have the Activities tab: The Teams command on the Add Activity menu of the Tasks & Activities dialog box (see the following screenshot). This dialog box opens when you click Activities on the form title bar.
    Figure 2. The Teams Message command on the Create Activity menu

Channel Synchronization

To be able to receive messages from MYOB Acumatica in Microsoft Teams channels, you need to configure each of the channels to which you want to send messages. As a system administrator, you perform this activity once for the entire company.

Before you start the configuration of the channels, you need to synchronize them. You perform the synchronization of channels and members on the Teams Channels (SM305000) form. During this process, the system also maps the contacts in MYOB Acumatica with the members of the Teams channels. The system does that by comparing the email addresses in the Teams accounts with users' email addresses specified on the Contact Info section of the General tab of the Employees (EP203000) form and in the Contact section of the General tab of the Contacts (CR302000) form. If an email address on one of these forms is the same as the email address in a Teams account, the system maps the user in Teams with the employee or contact in MYOB Acumatica.

We recommend that users enter their employee or contact email addresses before the synchronization. Alternatively, a user can enter their email address in the Override Teams ID box on the Teams Settings tab of the User Profile (SM203010) form.

If for a Teams member, no employee or contact has been found in MYOB Acumatica, you can specify it manually on the Teams Members (SM305030) form. On this form, you can also run the mapping again by clicking Map Contacts & Employees on the form toolbar. (You might need to do this if the email addresses of any users have changed.)

For each Teams channel to which you want to send messages, you then need to add a webhook in the settings of a channel. After you add the webhook, Teams generates the URL that you need to specify on the Channels pane of the Teams Channels form.

Status of Teams Contacts

If a contact or employee that is selected in one of the applicable boxes on a supported form is a member of a Teams channel, MYOB Acumatica displays the Teams icon to the right of this box. The following screenshot shows the Cases (CR306000) form with the Teams icons to the right of the Contact box (see Item 1 in the screenshot) and the Owner box (Item 2).

Figure 3. The Teams icons on the Cases form

The Teams icon contains a dot of one of the following colors that indicates the status of the user as follows:

  • Green: Available
  • Yellow: Away
  • Red: Busy, In a call, or In a meeting
  • Gray: Unavailable

The following table lists the forms and boxes on these forms for which the Teams icons are displayed.

Form Location Box
Cases (CR306000) Summary area Contact (a contact of the customer)

Owner (an employee of the company who owns the case)

Leads (CR301000) Summary area Contact (a contact that the lead is associated with)

Owner (an employee of the company who owns the lead)

Opportunities (CR304000) Summary area Contact (a representative to be contacted about the opportunity)

Owner (an employee assigned to the opportunity)

Business Accounts (CR303000) Summary area Owner (a person assigned to work with the business account)
General > Primary Contact Name (the full name of the primary contact associated with the business account)
Contacts (CR302000) Summary area Owner (an owner of the contact)

Contact ID (the unique identifier of the contact)

Customers (AR303000) General > Primary Contact Name (the full name of the primary contact associated with the customer)
Vendors (AP303000) General > Primary Contact Name (the full name of the primary contact associated with the vendor)