Access Rights by Role

Form ID: (SM201025)

On this form, you can fine-tune the access rights each role has to particular workspaces (that is, to all forms in a workspace), system forms, containers of form elements, form elements. Also, you can create a role directly on this form by copying an existing one and adjusting the new role's access to system entities, as needed.

You use this form when you want to give a particular user role access rights to multiple MYOB Acumatica system objects. For example, you might use this form to give the custom user role Chief Accountant access to all forms related to the financial functionality, either at the workspace level or for each form individually.

If you configure a role for working with a wiki, give the role access to the wiki by using this form, and then configure access to particular articles on the Wiki Access by Role (SM202015) form. For details, see Wiki Access Management.

You can also set multiple roles' access rights to particular workspaces (that is, to all forms in a workspace), forms, containers of form elements, form elements, and wikis on the Access Rights by Screen (SM201020) form. For more information about setting up user access rights, see Managing User Access.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Copy Role Copies the set of access rights of the selected role to the new role.

To create and populate a new role, type the new role name in the New Role Name box in the New Role dialog box, which appears when you click this button, and click Copy.

Table 1. New Role Dialog BoxThis dialog box opens when you click the Copy Role button. By using this dialog box, you can copy the current role's set of access rights to a new role.
Element Description
New Role Name The name of the new role to which the access rights of the selected role will be copied.
This dialog box has the following buttons.
Copy Creates a new role and copies the access rights of the current role to the new role, and closes the dialog box. After the action has been completed and the dialog box is closed, the new role will be selected in the Role Name box in the Summary area, and the role will be available for editing.

Summary Area

You use this area to specify the name and description of a new role or to select an existing role.

Element Description
Role Name The role name. Select a name from the list of roles or, if you're adding a new role, type the role name.
Role Description The description of the role.

Left Pane

In this pane, workspaces are represented as second-level nodes. (The top node represents the home page dashboard.) Expand the node of any workspace to view the forms within that workspace. Expand the node of any form to view the list of containers (of form elements), such as tabs and grids.

All wikis are represented by non-expandable nodes. You can set the access each role has to the wikis available in your company by using the Wiki Access by Role (SM202015) form. To view and update the map of any wiki, use the Wiki Site Map (SM202010) form. For details about managing access to wikis, see Wiki Access Management.

The Hidden node contains system objects, such as forms and reports, that are not displayed in the main menu but can be accessed through other forms.

When you click any node, the right pane displays the list of its objects with the level of access rights the role has to each object. You can restrict access to these objects as well.

Right Pane

In this pane, you can view and edit the access rights of the selected role for the objects of the selected node. To change a level of access rights, in the row with the appropriate object, select the needed option in the Access Rights column.

Advanced filtering functionality is available for the list of system objects in the right pane. For details, see Managing Advanced Filters.
Table 2. Table Columns
Column Description
Description The name of the object.
Access Rights The access rights of the selected role for the object. Notice that selecting the Multiple Rights option for a node will not affect the access levels specified for the nested objects. The option means that for the selected role, different access rights have been specified for the nested objects.

For more information, see User Roles: Restriction Level Options.