Location Tracking Distance

Form ID: (SM403000)

On this form, you can view the locations of currently signed-in users whose locations are tracked and see how far they are from you.

An individual user's location is tracked in the system if the Track Location check box is selected for the user on the Location Tracking tab of the Users (SM201010) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
View on Map A button you click to view this address on a map, which is opened in a new browser tab. The system opens the map viewer that is specified on the Site Preferences (SM200505) form, which is provided by the Google Maps or Bing Maps web map service.

Selection Area

You use this area to specify the date for which locations and distances of tracked users will be shown in the table. If a past date is selected, the table shows the latest location of each tracked user on that date, as well as the distance of each user from the your current location.

Element Description

Required. The date for which you want to view users' location tracking data.

By default, the current business date is inserted in this box. If you select a date that is earlier than the current business date, the system calculates the latest tracked location of each tracked user on that date and the distances between the users' locations on that date and your latest location (that is, the latest location of the currently signed-in user on the current business date).


In this table, you can view the latest location data of each tracked user on the selected date. This data includes the distance of each listed user from you (that is, from the currently signed-in user).
Column Description
Execution Date The date and time when the location coordinates were tracked.
Login The username of the user whose location was tracked on this date.
Full Name The full name of the user.
Latitude The latitude of the user location.
Longitude The longitude of the user location.
Altitude The altitude of the user location.
Distance The distance of the user in miles from you (that is, from the currently signed-in user).

The system determines the distance by calculating a straight-line distance from your latest location on the current business date to the most recent location of the user in the row on the specified date. The system recalculates the distance every time you open or refresh the current form.

The current column is empty if at least one of the following conditions is met:
  • The location tracking is turned off for your user account or the account of the user in the row.
  • The user in the row has not signed in to the system on the specified date.