User Types

Form ID: (EP202500)

You use this form to define user types, which are used to provide default settings for new users that you create. On the form, you can also define the set of roles that are available for a user of the type and the default roles to be assigned when a user of this type is created. You can add new user types, view existing user types and modify their settings, and delete unused types from the system.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

In this area, you can enter the settings for a new user type, or select an existing type to view or modify its settings.

Element Description
User Type The unique identifier of the user type. Enter the ID of the new type, or select a user type from the list.
Linked Entity The entity associated with this user type. The following options are available:
  • Contact: You can assign this user type to external users, such as partners or contacts of customer or vendor organizations.
  • Employee: You can assign this user type to employees of your company and possibly to consultants that you consider part of your company.
Description A description of the user type.

Allowed Roles Tab

You use this tab to view and update the list of roles that can be assigned to users of this type.
Table 1. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Apply to Users Applies the default roles to all users of the selected user type. You can click this button if you have added a default role to the list of allowed roles and want to assign this role all users of the selected user type. If you instead want to assign a role for a particular user, you can use the Users (SM201010) form.
Table 2. Table Columns
Column Description
Default A check box that you select to assign the role to a user of this type by default. The role or roles with this check box selected will be assigned to any new user of the type. (If you change value of this box after creating users of the selected type, their user role assignment will remain unchanged.)
Role Name The role that can be assigned to the user of the type.
Role Description Read-only. The detailed description of the role.


You use this tab to view the list of users that are assigned to the selected user type. You can add users in this list by using the Users (SM201010) form. For details, see User Access: To Add a User Account.

Managed User Types

A user with the selected user type can create, manage, and delete users that are associated with the user types listed on this tab, which appears only if the type has the Contact linked entity. You use this tab to view and update the list of these user types.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 3. Table Columns
Column Description
User Type The type of user that a user of the current type can create.
Description Read-only. The description specified for this user type.

Login Rules

On this tab, you specify the default rules that apply when a new user of this type is added.

Element Description
Use Email as Login A check box that you select to use the email address of a contact as the user name of the contact for new users of this type.
This policy applies only when you add a user account to a contact account by using the Contacts (CR302000) form.
Reset Password on First Login A check box that you select to require new users of this type to change their password at the first login.
Require Login Activation A check box that you select to require activation of a new user account. If you select this check box, new users of this type will receive an email with information on how to enable their user account.
Allowed Login Type

The way that a user account of this user type can sign in to MYOB Acumatica. The way can be one of the following:

  • UI: The user account can sign in only through the UI of MYOB Acumatica.
  • API: The user account can sign in only by using the Login method of one of the web services APIs of MYOB Acumatica.
  • Unrestricted (default): The user account can sign in through the UI of MYOB Acumatica, by using the Login method of one of the web services APIs of MYOB Acumatica, or by using the OAuth 2.0 authorization mechanism for integrated applications.
Max. Number of Concurrent Logins

The maximum number of simultaneous sessions that are allowed for each user account of this user type. This limit is applicable for any login type selected in the Allowed Login Type box. The default value is 3.

For details about the number of sessions for integrated applications, see Limitation of API Connections for Integrated Applications.

Turn Off Two-Factor Authentication

A check box that you select to turn off two-factor authentication for each user account of this user type. If the check box is cleared, the two-factor authentication is turned on or off for a particualr user account depending on the settings specified on the Security Preferences (SM201060), Users (SM201010), and User Profile (SM203010) forms. By default, the check box is selected for the API login type and cleared for other user-types.

This element is available only if the Two-Factor Authentication feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

For details about configuration of the two-factor authentication, see Two-Factor Authentication: General Information.