To Attach a Pop-Up Note to a Record

You can attach pop-up text messages to a record (that is, an entity or a document created on a data entry form), as described in this topic. A pop-up message with a note about a customer, a vendor, or an inventory item will be then displayed to users when they select the entity while creating documents in the system. For example, you can add important information for your colleagues who works with this record.

The following entities support pop-up notes:

To Attach a Note to a Record

  1. Open the form, and then select the record you want to attach a note to.
  2. On the form title bar, click Notes.
  3. In the Enter Record Note dialog box, select Add Pop-Up Note check box. The system displays the Pop-Up Note box.
  4. In the Pop-Up Note box, type the text of the pop-up note.
  5. Click OK.

When you create a document in the system with a record to which a pop-up note has been added earlier, the system will display the note as pop-up window.

You can view pop-up notes added for customer accounts and inventory items when you create documents on the following forms:

Pop-up notes added for vendor accounts will be displayed when you create documents on the following forms:

A pop-up note added for a business account will be displayed on the following forms for leads, opportunities, contacts, and cases associated with the business account: