Shortcut Keys

You can invoke the most common MYOB Acumatica operations through keyboard shortcuts, as described in this topic.

Form Toolbar Shortcuts

The following table displays the keyboard shortcuts you can use to execute form toolbar commands.

Key Description
Esc Depending on the context, does one of the following:
  • Discards any unsaved changes you have made to objects or entities and retrieves the last saved version.
  • Clears all changes and restores the default settings.
Ctrl+Insert Clears any values you've specified on the form, restores any default values, and initiates the creation of a new object or entity.
Ctrl+Delete Deletes the currently selected object or entity, clears any values you have specified on the form, and restores the default values.
You can delete a document that is not linked with another document.
Ctrl+S Saves the changes made to the object or entity.
Page Up Displays the previous object or entity and its details.
Page Down Displays the next object or entity and its details.

Summary Area Shortcuts

The following table displays the keyboard shortcuts of the Summary or Selection area of any form.

Key Description
Tab Moves the cursor to the next element.
Shift+Tab Moves the cursor to the previous element.
F3 If the cursor is in a lookup box, opens the lookup table so that you can search for a value.
Ctrl+Left Arrow Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next segment of the element if the element has multiple segments (for example, when you enter a subaccount).
Ctrl+Right Arrow Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous segment of the element if the element has multiple segments (for example, when you enter a subaccount).
Ctrl+Shift+L Invoke the Translations box for boxes with multilanguage support if multilingual user input is enabled. For details, see Translations Dialog Box.

Table Navigation Shortcuts

The following table displays the keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate tables on any forms.

Key Description
Arrow Keys Moves one cell up, down, left, or right in a table.
Tab Moves the cursor to the next element in the current row.
Shift+Tab Moves the cursor to the previous element in the current row.
Home Goes to the first column in the current row.
End Goes to the last column in the current row.
Ctrl+Home Goes to the first row in the same column.
Ctrl+End Goes to the last row in the same column.
Page Down Goes to the first row in the same column.
Page Up Goes to the last row in the same column.
Shift+F Filters the data in the table.
F5 Refreshes the data (if the cursor is set in a table cell).
F6 Sorts the lines by the values in the selected column.
Double-click under the last row Appends a new row.
Enter or F2 Switches to editing mode.
Enter or F2 Switch to editing mode.
Ctrl+Shift+L In editing mode, invoke the Translations box for boxes with multilanguage support if multilingual user input is enabled. For details, see Translations Dialog Box.
F4 Switches between grid and form modes.
F3 If the cursor is in a lookup box, opens the lookup table so that you can search for a value.
Ctrl+Left Arrow Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next segment of the element if the element has multiple segments (for example, when you enter a subaccount).
Ctrl+Right Arrow Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous segment of the element if the element has multiple segments (for example, when you enter a subaccount).

Calendar Navigation Shortcuts

When you click the arrow of a date box on an MYOB Acumatica form, the Calendar dialog box is brought up. You can use the Calendar dialog box to select a new date, which will appear in the date box. The following table displays the keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate the Calendar dialog box on any form.

Key Description
Left Arrow Moves the cursor to the previous day.
Right Arrow Moves the cursor to the next day.
Up Arrow Moves the cursor one week earlier.
Down Arrow Moves the cursor one week later.
Enter Fills in the date box with the selected date and close the dialog box.

Date Box Shortcuts

Any date consists of the date components—that is, month, day, and year—that you enter to define a calendar date in a date box. The following table displays the keyboard shortcuts you can use to change the selected date once you have clicked in the date box near the needed component on any form.

Key Description

Up Arrow


+ on the numeric keypad

Increases the selected component of the date by 1.

Down Arrow


- on the numeric keypad

Decreases the selected component of the date by 1.



. on the numeric keypad

/ on the numeric keypad

Right Arrow

Moves the cursor to the next component of the date.

Shift + .

Shift + /

Shift + / on the numeric keypad

Left Arrow

Moves the cursor to the previous component of the date.

Search Box Shortcuts

In the following table, you can find keyboard shortcuts related to the Search box.

Key Description
Ctrl+Q Places the cursor in the Search box.

Main Menu Shortcuts

The following table displays the keyboard shortcuts you can use to work with main menu items.

Key Description
Alt+G Opens the current workspace (which is highlighted in the main menu when you have a form, dashboard, or report of that workspace open).
Esc Closes the opened workspace.