
Form ID: (SM202005)

On this form, you can create a new wiki, modify the properties of an existing one, and add the wiki to (or delete it from) the site map. Also, you can change the access rights to wiki folders and apply tags for the articles in the wiki.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Clear Wiki If a wiki is selected on the form, permanently deletes in this wiki all versions of articles earlier than the date you specify in the Choose Date dialog box. If no wiki is selected on the form, the Clear Wiki button permanently deletes in all wikis all versions of articles earlier than the date that you specify in the Choose Date dialog box.

Summary Area

You can use the elements in this area to set up a new wiki or to view or change the settings of an existing wiki.

Table 1. General Section
Element Description
ID The unique identifier of the wiki.
Name The name of the wiki, which appears in the following locations:
  • In the wiki tree, if another title is not stated in the Site Map Title box in the Classic UI section of this form
  • In the site tree
  • On the wiki card on the Help dashboard of the user interface if the Show on Help Dashboard check box is selected in the Modern UI section of this form
Created by A read-only box showing the owner of the wiki (that is, the user that created it).
Created A read-only box showing the time when the wiki was created.
Table 2. Approval Section
Element Description
Hold on Edit

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the Hold check box is selected by default for a new wiki article in this wiki or a wiki article that is opened for editing. (The user can clear the Hold check box before saving the article to publish the article or to begin the approval process.) If the article is versioned, once it is saved with the Hold check box selected, a new version with the Hold status is created and the published version is still available to users with View Only access rights. If the article is not versioned, the published article is overwritten by a new version with the Hold status and is not available to users with View Only access rights.

You clear the Hold on Edit check box to have the system assign the Published status to new articles and to published articles after each editing by default, whether or not the article is versioned. The user can select the Hold check box before saving an article to prevent that article from being published.

Require Approval A check box that indicates (if selected) that the approval is required for publishing wiki articles in this wiki.
Approval Group

The group to initially process the request to approve the publication of the wiki articles; select a group from the company tree. For more information about the company tree, see Company Tree (EP204061). If the request is not processed by this group within the required time, a notification will be sent to a group one level up in the company tree.

This box is available only if the Require Approval check box on the current form is selected.

Approver ID

The user name of the employee from the approval group who is responsible for approving the publication of articles in this wiki. The system fills in this box automatically with the name of the owner of the group selected in the Approval Group box on this form. You can select another user from the selected group if needed.

This box is available only if the Require Approval check box on the current form is selected.

Table 3. Modern UI SectionYou use this section if any users in your system use the Modern MYOB Acumatica user interface.
Element Description
Show on Help Dashboard

A check box that indicates (if selected) that a card for this wiki will be displayed on the Help dashboard.


The whole or decimal number that defines the sequential position of the wiki on the Help dashboard. You use a whole number to insert the selected wiki in sequential order (the wiki with the lowest number is listed first, the wiki with the second-lowest number is listed second, and so on) on Help dashboard. You use a decimal number to insert the selected wiki between two existing wikis for which sequence numbers are already defined.

The MYOB Acumatica system doesn't verify the sequence number that you specify for each wiki. We recommend that you use different sequence numbers for different wikis to avoid errors.
Default Article

The introductory article to be displayed by default after a user clicks Explore on the wiki card on the Help dashboard.

Default Icon

A box that is reserved for future use.

Table 4. Classic UI Section
Element Description
Site Map Location The location of the wiki on the site map. Select the location of the wiki, or leave the box blank to hide the wiki. The hidden wiki will not appear in the system and will be available only on the current form.
Site Map Title The title of the wiki on the site map. When you select the location of the wiki in the Site Map Location box, the Site Map Title box copies this title from the Name box of the General section on this form, but you can change it if needed.

Wiki Settings Tab

You can use this tab to apply style options to the selected wiki. You can also specify the URL of the wiki for access outside of your local network.

Table 5. Look and Feel Section
Element Description
Style The prepared file with the CSS styles that define how all wiki articles will be displayed in a browser. If you specify no file, browser-specific default styles will be used. You can create a style by using the Wiki Style Sheets (SM202030) form.
Print Style The prepared file with the CSS styles that define how all printed articles should look. If no file is specified, browser-specific default styles will be used. You can use the Wiki Style Sheets form to create a style.
Article Type The type of articles the wiki holds. The following options are available:
  • Article: The basic type of articles. This type of articles may contain various content (text, tables, graphics, and links). Usually this type is used for Help articles.
  • KB Article: The type of article especially designed for Knowledge Base articles. This type of articles may contain the same content as basic articles. Additionally, users can rate the articles and leave their feedback for a particular article, which gives you the ability to collect statistics and information on how helpful the articles are.

The template to be used for defining the style and contents of the wiki articles in the selected wiki. You must define templates before they are available for selection in this box.

For more information, see To Create a Wiki Template and To Apply Templates to a Wiki.

Print Template

The template to be used for defining the printing style and contents of the wiki articles in the selected wiki. You must define templates before they are available for selection in this box.

For more information, see To Create a Wiki Template and To Apply Templates to a Wiki.


The template to be used for defining the style and contents of the headers of the wiki articles in the selected wiki. You must define templates before they are available for selection in this box.

For more information, see To Create a Wiki Template and To Apply Templates to a Wiki.


The template to be used for defining the style and contents of the footers of the wiki articles in the selected wiki. You must define templates before they are available for selection in this box.

For more information, see To Create a Wiki Template and To Apply Templates to a Wiki.

Table 6. Miscellaneous Section
Element Description
Default Site Map Tag The tag to be used by default for wiki articles.
Public Virtual Path The web address of the wiki on a local website to be used for access outside of your local network.
Table 7. Dashboard Description Section
Dashboard Description The brief description to be dislayed on the wiki card on the Help Dashboard. You should fill in this box if the Modern MYOB Acumatica UI is used by any users in your system. The description box allows you to enter 255 characters, but we recommend that you enter 160 characters at most so that your description fits the wiki card displayed on the Help dashboard.

Access Rights Tab

You can use this tab to adjust the access rights roles have to the selected wiki.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 8. Table Columns
Column Description
Role Name

The name of a role that is defined in the system. The system displays all available roles in the system in this table, one in each row. You can define the level of access rights for each role.

For more information, see Wiki Access Management.

Guest Role A check box that indicates (if selected) that this role is marked as guest role—that is, it can be applied to contact accounts.
Description A short description that has been specified for the role.
Access Rights The type of access rights the role has to the wiki. You can select one of the following options, listed from the most restrictive access rights to the broadest:
  • Not Set: If all roles have Not Set access, the system allows all operations for a user with the role. Once the access rights of at least one role have been changed to any other option, the system prohibits access for users with all roles that have Not Set access rights.
  • Revoked: If a role has this level of access rights, the system doesn't allow any access to the wiki and the articles and folders within it, including viewing these items.
  • View Only: If a role has this level of access rights, the system allows a user with the role to view a published article within the wiki or a published folder and all enclosed published items.
  • Edit: If a role has this level of access rights, the system allows a user with the role to edit the articles and folders within the wiki.
  • Insert: If a role has this level of access rights, the system allows a user with the role to edit articles and folders and create new ones.
  • Publish: If a role has this level of access rights, the system allows a user with the role to edit articles and folders, create new ones, and publish these items directly (or initiate the approval process for publishing, if such approval is required for the wiki).
  • Delete: If a role has this level of access rights, the system allows a user with the role to delete articles and folders in the wiki, in addition to the Publish rights.

Tags Tab

This tab contains the list of tags that users can use for the wiki articles to mark versions of a specific wiki.

Table 9. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Process Tag Assigns the selected tag to the latest versions of all published articles in the wiki.
Table 10. Table Columns
Column Description
Description The descriptive tag name.

Locales Tab

By using the Locales tab, you can select the languages that may be used in the wiki. You can select languages associated with locales from the list of locales defined on the System Locales (SM200550) form.

Table 11. Table Columns

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Allow Using A check box that you select if the language and related settings can be used for the wiki.
Language The language associated with the same-name locale.