eSign Central

Form ID: (MBES4010)

On the eSign Central form, you can check the status of any documents that have been sent for electronic signing and send reminders.
To automatically update documents's statuses on a regular basis, set up an automation schedule on the eSign Sync (MBES5010) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Element Description
Void Document Voids the e-signature request for the selected document.
Remind Recipient Sends a reminder message to the recipient(s) of the selected document.
View Document Opens a new window showing the selected document on the e-signature service.
Check Status Polls the e-signature service and refresh the status of the selected document.

Summary Area

This area contains settings that let you filter the main table.

Element Description
Owner The user that the main table is currently showing documents for. Select a user, or leave this field blank to show documents for all users. If Me is ticked, this field will be read-only.
Me Tick this box to show only documents that were sent for signing by the logged in user.


The main table shows the details of all documents that were sent sent for signing by the selected user(s).

Element Description
Name The document's name in the MYOB Acumatica system. Click on the name to open the document in the File Maintenance (SM202510) form.
Subject The subject of the email sent to recipients of the e-signature request for this document.
eSign Status The document's current e-signature status: Draft, Out for e-signature, Signed or Cancelled/Declined. Click the status to show all documents with that status in a separate window.
eSign Activity Date The date when the document's e-signature request was created, or when its status was last changed.
Expiration Date The date when the document's e-signature request will expire. If the document has not been signed by this date, it will need to be re-sent for signing.
Creation Date The date when the document was created.
Source Screen Name The name of the screen that the document is attached to, e.g. Sales Orders if the document is attached to a sales order.