Wiki Products

Form ID: (SM200524)

Every article of a knowledge base wiki can be applied to a specific product. For every article, you can select a product or multiple products that the article applies to. By using this form, you can add new products, delete products, check the list of wiki articles that apply to a selected product, add new articles to the list, and exclude articles from the list.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

Use the elements in this area, described in the following table, to add a new product, to delete a product, or to select an existing product. The table below shows the articles associated with the selected product.

Element Description
Product ID The identifier of the product. Select a product from the list, or type an ID to create a new product.
Product Name A more descriptive name for the product. If you're creating a product, type a name for it.


This table holds the list of wiki articles included in the selected product.

Table 1. Table Columns

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Article ID The ID of the article that applies to the selected product. To apply a new article to the product, add the row and then select the article ID from the wiki tree.
Name The name that has been defined for the article and is shown on the wiki tree. The name may be different from the ID.