Wiki Categories

Form ID: (SM200523)

In wikis, categories are distinct classes that divide wiki articles into types. By using this form, you can add new categories, check the list of wiki articles in a selected category, add new topics or articles to the category, and exclude and articles from the category. You can assign one category to articles in different wikis.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

You use the elements in this area to set up a new category or select an existing category. The table below the elements shows the articles associated with the selected category.

Element Description
Category ID The identifier of the category. Select a category from the list, or type an ID to create a new category.
Category Name A more descriptive name for the category. If you're creating a category, type a name for it.


This table holds the list of wiki articles included in the selected category. If you have created a new category, you can assign articles to it by adding them to this table or by editing the articles and assigning the category to each article you edit.

Table 1. Table Columns

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Article ID The ID of the article to which the category is assigned. To add a new article to the category, add the row and then select the article ID from the wiki tree.
Name Read-only. The name defined for the article and shown on the wiki tree. The name may be different from the ID.