Wiki Articles

Form ID: (SM202025)

On this form, you can view the wiki articles pending publishing that are assigned to you, your workgroup, or any other user or workgroup. You can specify a wiki, wiki folder, and date range to filter the list of articles. By using this form, you can mass-update the properties of multiple articles (for example, changing their status to Published).

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Selection Area

In this area, you specify the criteria to filter the articles listed below.

Element Description
Assigned to A check box and a box that you can use to select a user.

By default, the check box is selected and the box displays your user name. To select another user, clear the check box and select the user name from the list in the box.

Workgroup A check box and a box that you can use to select a workgroup. Select the check box to select your workgroup. To select another workgroup, clear the check box and select the workgroup from the list in the box.
Display Escalated A check box that you select to display only escalated articles.
Author The author of the articles. You can leave the box blank or select an author from the list of users.
Status The status of the articles to be listed. By default, it is Pending.
Wiki Name The name of the wiki whose articles you want to view. Leave the box blank to view articles in all the wikis.
Folder The folder in the wiki whose articles you want to view. Leave the box blank to view articles in all folders.
Created From The starting creation date of the date range of articles to be viewed.
To The ending creation date of the date range of articles to be viewed.


In the table, you can see the articles that match the criteria that you specified in the selection area.

Table 1. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
View Displays the selected article.
Process Opens the Update Article Properties dialog box so you can update properties of the selected articles.
Process All Opens the Update Article Properties dialog box, which you can use to update the properties for all the articles in the list.
Table 2. Table Columns
Column Description
Selected An unlabeled check box that you select to update the article if you click Process on the table toolbar.
ID The ID of the article.
Name The name of the article.
Last Modified by The user who modified the article most recently.
Status The status of the article.
Versioned A check box that indicates (if selected) that the article is versioned.
Path The local path to the article.
Table 3. Update Article Properties Dialog BoxYou can use this dialog box to update any properties of the selected article or articles. For every box, specify the new setting (if you want to change it) or leave the box blank to leave the setting unchanged.
Element Description
Parent Folder The new parent folder for the selected article or articles.
Category The category of the selected article or articles.
Tag The tag for the selected article or articles.
Keywords Either one keyword or multiple keywords to be added to the list of keywords for the selected article or articles.
Versioned The option governing versioning for the articles, which is one of the following:
  • Do Not Change: To leave the article versioning options as they are
  • Maintain Versions: To enforce versioning for the articles
  • Do Not Maintain Versions: To remove versioning for the articles
Status The new status for the selected articles, which can be one of the following options: Published, On Hold, Rejected, or Do Not Change.
Apply Applies the changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Cancels the changes and closes the dialog box.