Purchase Receipt Unbilled Summary

Form ID: (PO631020)

On this form, you can view a report on purchase receipts with items that have been received but not billed yet.

See below for a description of each parameter on the Report Parameters tab of the report form. For more information about using other elements on the report form, see Reports.

Report Parameters

On the Report Parameters tab, you use the following parameters to select the information to be displayed on the report:

  • Start Date: The start date of the date range of the report.
  • End Date: The end date of the date range.
    Only documents with dates that occur within the specified date range will be included in the report. If Start Date and End Date are not specified, the report includes documents with dates during all financial periods.
  • Receipt Nbr.: The number of the purchase receipt to be included in the report. Select a number of a receipt, or leave the box blank to include applicable documents with any vendor specified.
  • Vendor ID: The vendor, by its ID, specified in the purchase receipt to be included in the report. Select a vendor, or leave the box blank to include applicable documents with any vendor specified.
  • Inventory ID: The inventory item for which you want to view purchase order information. Select an inventory ID to view only purchase receipts created for this inventory item. Alternatively, you can leave the box blank to view a broader range of data.