Construction Bonding Report

Form ID: (PM650500)

Note: This report is available only if the Construction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

This report displays a large amount of information to be shared with outside parties and increases the internal visibility of data. The report provides the following information: earned revenue, billed to date, and unbilled contract amounts. It also displays costs incurred to date, calculated cost at completion, the current period’s billings and costs, and the prior year's billings and costs.

See the following section for a description of each parameter on the Report Parameters tab of the report form. For more information about using other elements on the report form, see Reports.

Report Parameters

On the Report Parameters tab, you use the following parameters to select the information to be displayed on the report:

  • Company/Branch: The company group, company, or branch for which you want to view information. By default, the current company or branch is selected. You can leave the default value, or select a company group, company or branch to view the report for it.
  • As of Period: The period for which the values in the report are displayed. By default, the current financial period is selected.
  • Status: The status of the project for which you want to view the report, which is one of the following:
    • Active (default)
    • Completed
    • Active and Completed
  • Exclude Projects Completed Through Date: The date the system will use to exclude from the generated report completed projects that have an End Date earlier than or the same as the date specified in this box.
  • Project: The project for which you want to view the report. You can select a project to view the report for only this project, or leave the box blank to view the report for all projects.
  • Use Cost Projection: A check box that indicates (if selected) that the Projected Cost to Complete and Projected Cost at Completion report columns will show the projected values from the last cost projection revision that has been prepared and released for the project. If the check box is cleared, the report shows the costs based on the revised budgeted amounts in the Cost to Complete and Cost at Completion report columns.

The Generated Report

This section describes some key elements of the generated report to help you use this report successfully. The header of the report shows the following rows.

Column Value
Contract Amount The contract amount, which is calculated according to the following formula:

Contract Amount = sum (Revised Budgeted Amount),

where Revised Budgeted Amount is the revised budgeted amounts in revenue budget lines of the project.
% Complete The percentage of budget completion, which is calculated according to the following formula:

% Complete = Cost to Date / SUM (Revised Budgeted Amount),

where Revised Budgeted Amount is the revised budgeted amounts in cost budget lines of the project.
Earned Revenue The revenue amount, which is calculated based on other values of the report according to the following formula:

Earned Revenue = % Complete * Contract Amount

Billed to Date The billed amount, which is calculated according to the following formula:

Billed to Date = SUM (Actual Amount),

where Actual Amount is the actual amount in revenue budget lines of the project.
% Billed The percentage of billing, which is calculated according to the following formula:

% Billed = Billed to Date / Contract Amount * 100 %

Over/Under Billed The overbilling or underbilling amount, which is calculated based on other values of the report according to the following formula:

Over/Under Billed = Earned Revenue – Billed to Date

Unbilled Contract Amount The unbilled amount, which is calculated based on other values of the report according to the following formula:

Unbilled Contract Amount = Contract Amount – Billed to Date

Cost to Date The amount, which is calculated according to the following formula:

Cost to Date = SUM (Actual Amount),

where Actual Amount is the actual amount in the cost budget lines of the project.
Cost to Complete The amount, which is calculated according to the following formula:

Cost to Complete = sum (Cost to Complete),

where Cost to Complete is the cost to complete amount in the cost budget lines of the project.
Cost at Completion The cost at completion amount, which is calculated according to the following formula:

Cost at Completion = Cost to Complete + Cost to Date

Period Billings The turnover revenue amount for the specified period, which is calculated according to the following formula:

Period Billings = SUM (Amount),

where Amount is the amount of the project transactions with the AR type on the Project Transactions (PM304000) form.
Period Costs The turnover cost amount for the specified period, which is calculated according to the following formula:

Period Costs = SUM (Amount),

where Amount is the amount of the expense project transactions on the Project Transactions (PM304000) form.