Vendor Transaction History

Form ID: (PM706220)

This report displays the transactions related to the selected vendor (or all vendors) during the selected date range. For each vendor, documents are grouped by project and listed by reference number. You can see each document's dates and amounts.

See the following section for a description of each parameter on the Report Parameters tab of the report form. For more information about using other elements on the report form, see Reports.

Report Parameters

On the Report Parameters tab, use the following parameter to select the information to be displayed on the report:

  • Vendor: The identifier of the vendor for whom you want to view the report. Select a vendor from the list of active vendors, or leave the box blank to view information about all vendors.
  • Project: The project for which the history of transactions to be displayed. Select a project identifier for which you want to view the report, or leave the box blank to view information about all projects.
  • Date From: The date from which the history of transactions will be displayed. By default, the first date of the current period is selected.
  • Date To: The date until which the history of transactions will be displayed. By default, the current business date is selected.
  • Report Format: The format of the report displayed. Select one of the following options:
    • Summary: To view summary information on each bill such as bill date, billed amount, amount paid, and the current balance of the bill.
    • Detailed: To view detailed information on transactions for each bill such as transaction reference numbers, types, dates, and amount.