Prepayment Invoices: Related Reports and Inquiry Forms

In the following sections, you can find details about the reports and inquiry forms you may want to review to gather information about the processing of prepayment invoices.

Reviewing the Customer Balance

When a prepayment invoice is released, the customer’s balance is updated. You can view the prepayment balance of a customer on the Customer Details (AR402000) form. You can open this form directly or by clicking Customer Details (under Inquiries) on the More menu of the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) or Payments and Applications (AR302000) form.

Unlike other documents, prepayment invoices are displayed on the Customer Details form in two lines:

  • The first line shows the amount that has been posted to the customer’s AR account; this amount has a positive sign.
  • The second line shows the amount that has been posted to the customer's prepayment account; this amount has a negative sign.
The AR Account and AR Subaccount columns are visible only if the VAT Recognition on Prepayments feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Reviewing the Accounts Receivable Details

In the AR Register Detailed (AR622000) report, you can view the details of all transactions related to accounts receivable that have been posted on the release of prepayment invoices. You open this report by clicking AR Register Detailedin the prepayment invoice on the More menu of the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) or Payments and Applications (AR302000) form.

In the AR Edit Detailed (AR610500) report, you can view the details of accounts receivable documents that have been entered into the system but not released. You open this report by clicking AR Edit Detailed in the prepayment invoice on the More menu of the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form.

Printing a Prepayment Invoice

You can view and print a particular prepayment invoice, which you select by its reference number, by clicking Run Report on the report form toolbar on the Invoice/Memo (AR641000) report form. You can also generate a print-friendly version of a prepayment invoice you are viewing on the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form by clicking Print on the More menu.

Preparing Customer Statements

Prepayment invoices of the Pending Payment status (if they have not been paid yet or have been partially paid) are included in statements. The unpaid balances of prepayment invoices are shown in statements with the positive sign. You can prepare statements on the Prepare Statements (AR503000) form or view any generated statement of a particular customer on the Customer Statement History (AR404600) form.
The total amount due shown in a statement does not match the customer's balance because the customer's balance includes the balances of the fully and partially paid prepayment invoices.

Preparing Dunning Letters

Prepayment invoices with the Pending Payment status (if they have not been paid yet or have been partially paid) are included in dunning letters. On the Prepare Dunning Letters (AR521000) form, you can generate dunning letters for customers that have unpaid and overdue invoices and unpaid prepayment invoices.

This functionality is available only if the Dunning Letter Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Generating the AR Aging Reports

All of the following reports show all AR documents in the system including unpaid or partially paid prepayment invoices (that is, prepayment invoices of the Pending Payment status) that are outstanding at the end of the specified period: AR Aging (AR631000), AR Aging by Project (AR631200), AR Aged Period-Sensitive (AR630500), AR Aged Period-Sensitive by Project (AR630600), AR Aging MC (AR631100).
The AR Aging MC report is available only if the Multicurrency Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
In these reports, the unpaid balances of prepayment invoices are included with the positive sign.
The Customer Total amount specified in reports does not match the customer's balance because the customer's balance includes the balances of the fully and partially paid prepayment invoices.