Cost Roll History

Form ID: (AM408000)

This form displays the archived cost roll history. After you run the cost roll process on theCost Roll (AM508000) form, you have to option to archive the data to the cost history. The archive function must be enabled on the BOM Preferences (AM101000) form.

Cost Roll History Table

The table lists all of the archived cost rolls. You can use the filter capability to reduce the list.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
BOM ID This is the bill of material id that was rolled up.
Default BOM When checked, this is the default bill of material on the Item Warehouse Detail record.
Date The date when the cost roll process was run.
Last Updated Date Time The date and time the cost roll result was archived.
Warehouse This is the warehouse for the BOM ID.
Inventory Id The is the stock inventory item for the BOM ID.
This column is visible only if the Inventory Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
The Inventory Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form because the functionality associated with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the feature, contact your MYOB support provider.
Unit Cost This is the new calculated unit cost the will update the pending cost when the Update Pending process is run.
Material Cost This is the calculated total cost of materials for the Lot Size.
Manufactured Material The this level total cost of all subassemblies.
Purchased Material The this level total cost of all purchased items.
Fixed Labor This is the calculated total cost of setup hours x work center standard rates for the Lot Size.
Variable Labor This is the calculated total cost of labor only x work center standard rates for the Lot Size.
Fixed Overhead This is the total cost of fixed overhead for the Lot Size.
Variable Overhead

This is the total cost of variable overheads for the Lot Size.

Tools This is the total cost of tooling for the Lot Size.
Machine This is the total cost of machine hours * the machine per hour rate for the Lot Size.
Subcontract This the cost of materials with a Material Type of Subcontract and a Subcontract Source of Purchase or Ship to Vendor.
Ref. Material Reference materials have a material type of Subcontract and a subcontract source of Vendor Supplied. The cost of these items is not included in the product cost totals because they are supplied by the vendor.
Lot Size This is the lot size used to allocated the fixed cost elements. It is from the Lot Size of the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) form. If zero, then the Min Order Qty is used. If both are zero, then a lot size of 1 is used.

The Batch Size and Quantity Round Up are used with the Lot Size to calculate the cost of each material. For more information, see Bills of Material: Operations.

Status The status of the bill of material and revision.
Description The bill of material description.
Level The level of the assembly relative to the parent level.
Fixed Labor Time The total setup time for this level.
Variable Labor The total labor run time for this level based on the min/max/lot size values.
Machine Time The total machine time for this level based on the min/max/lot size values.
Item Class The item class of the stock inventory item.
Current Standard Cost The Item Warehouse Details Current Cost for items using the standard cost valuation method.
Pending Standard Cost The Item Warehouse Details Pending Cost for items using the standard cost valuation method. This value will be updated when you select Update Pending.