Labor Codes

Form ID: (AM206500)

Labor codes specify the labor credit GL accounts for direct labor and the credit and overhead accounts for indirect labor. Labor codes are used for labor reporting on the Labor (AM301000) form and are defaulted from the code specified on the Work Centers (AM207000) form. Labor can also be backflushed automatically when reporting operations. You must define at least one labor code with a type of Direct to support labor reporting and backflushing. Additional codes can be created for different credit and overhead accounts.

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The table lists the labor codes defined in the system.

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Column Description
Type This indicates the type of labor to report or backflush. Values are the following:
  • Direct: The labor cost is posted to the production order. The Labor account specified is credited; the WIP account defined on the Production Preferences (AM102000) form is debited.
  • Indirect: The labor cost is expensed and not charge to the production order. The Labor account specified is credited; the Overhead account is debited.
Labor Code

This will be the code specified for each work center and the default when direct labor for an operation is reported for a production order or enterable when reporting indirect labor.


This is the description of the labor code and is displayed during lookups.

Labor Account

This is the account credited for labor; it should be a liability or expense account.

Labor Sub

Labor subaccount, if subaccounts are used in the system. Currently wild carding is not supported.

Overhead Account

This is required only when the type is Indirect and is the expense account to debit.

Overhead Sub

Overhead subaccount, if subaccounts are used in the system. Currently wild carding is not supported.