Adding Entity Attributes to Mobile Screens

In MYOB Acumatica, for a class as a business object, you can define a list of entity attributes to gather specific information about members of the class. Attributes are defined for a particular class, which is a grouping of entities—such as leads, opportunities, customers, cases, projects, and stock or non-stock items—that have similar properties.

On an MYOB Acumatica form where attributes for an entity is defined, the attributes are usually displayed on a separate tab as a table that contains a set of key-value pairs. Because entity attributes are dynamic, it is not possible to explicitly specify them in a mobile site map. Therefore, specific definitions are used to show the attributes in a mobile application.

Thus, in a mobile application, entity attributes are displayed as a form or part of a form with input fields rather than as a table. For improved usability, you can apply a group as a container for attributes.

Suppose that in the mobile app you need to display the attributes of the Case Classes form (CR206000) of MYOB Acumatica, which are shown in the screenshot below.
Figure 1. Viewing the Attributes tab on the Case Classes form

Example: Configuring a Screen with a Group of Attributes

To see an example of creating a group for the attributes of a particular form, copy the code below to an .xml file, put the file in the \App_Data\Mobile folder of the MYOB Acumatica website, and start the mobile application.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sm:SiteMap xmlns:sm="" xmlns:xsi="">

    <sm:Screen DisplayName="Case" Id="CR306000" OpenAs="Form" Type="SimpleScreen">

        <sm:Container FormActionsToExpand="1" Name="CaseSummary">

            <sm:Field Name="ClassID">
                <sm:SelectorContainer PickerType="Attached" />

            <sm:Group Collapsable="true" Collapsed="true" DisplayName="Case Attributes">
                <sm:Attributes From="Attributes" />



The From attribute of the sm:Attributes tag specifies the name of the screen container that holds the entity attributes.

In this code, note that the sm:Attributes tag is wrapped in the group named Case Attributes.

The screenshot below shows the resulting screen in the mobile application.
Figure 2. Viewing the Case Attributes group

Also, you can use the sm:Attributes tag to map a pair of columns from any grid of MYOB Acumatica to a form view in the mobile app as a key-value pair. For example, if a grid contains a key field, a value field, and a field for sorting, to create a sorted group of key-value pairs of the grid on a form view of the mobile app, you might define the following <sm:Attributes> tag (see <sm:Attributes> for details).
<sm:Container ...>
  <sm:Group ...>
    <sm:Attributes From="GridDataView" IDField="Column1_FieldName"
        IDValue="Column5_FieldName" OrderField="Column3_FieldName" />

In the example above, GridDataView is the DataMember defined for the grid; Column1_FieldName, Column5_FieldName, and Column3_FieldName are correspondingly the key field, the value field, and the field for sorting.