Mapping Dashboards

You can add a dashboard to the mobile site map. To do this, you have to add to the mobile site map the sm:Screen tag with the Id attribute set to the dashboard form ID and the Type attribute set to Dashboard. The following example provides mapping of three dashboard screens for the mobile app.
<sm:Folder DisplayName="Dashboards" Icon="system://Folder" Type="ListFolder">
  <sm:Screen DisplayName="Controller" Icon="system://Graph1" Id="DH000025" Type="Dashboard" />
  <sm:Screen DisplayName="Financial" Icon="system://Graph1" Id="DH000045" Type="Dashboard" />
  <sm:Screen DisplayName="Sales Manager" Icon="system://Graph1" Id="DH000005" Type="Dashboard" />
A screen of the Dashboard type can display the following types of dashboard widgets:
  • Chart
  • Data Table
  • Score Card
  • Trend Card
Widgets of other types will be hidden.

If you click a dashboard widget, the mobile app tries to open the appropriate screen. If the screen is absent in the mobile site map, the mobile app displays a warning.

The following screenshot displays a screen for the Sales Manager dashboard page that is defined in an instance of MYOB Acumatica.
Figure 1. Viewing a dashboard screen