Configuring Editing Forms

You have to configure an editing form (that is, a form that is used to enter and edit a data record) based on the use of the form in MYOB Acumatica.

In some cases, MYOB Acumatica uses a single form to manage data records of a particular type (that is, the .aspx page contains the FormView and Grid controls). In these cases, in the mobile site map, you have to configure both the editing form and the list form by using a single declaration of the sm:Screen tag.

In other cases, MYOB Acumatica uses the following separate forms for data records of a particular type:
  • A list view (the .aspx page contains one Grid control) to manage records
  • A form view (the .aspx page with one FormView control) to edit fields
In these cases, you have to configure two separate declarations of the sm:Screen tag: one for the list form, and another for the editing form.

Example: Creating the Same Layout for the Editing Form and the List

To see an example of configuring an editing form to use the same layout as a list does, copy the code below to an .xml file, put the file in the \App_Data\Mobile folder of the MYOB Acumatica website, and start the mobile application.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sm:SiteMap xmlns:sm="" xmlns:xsi="">

    <sm:Screen DisplayName="Expense Receipt" Icon="system://Display1" Id="EP301020" Type="SimpleScreen">
        <sm:Container FieldsToShow="3" Name="ReceiptDetails">
            <sm:Field Name="Date" />
            <sm:Field Name="Description" />
            <sm:Field Name="ExpenseItem" />
            <sm:Field Name="TotalAmount" />

            <sm:Action Behavior="Save" Context="Record" Name="Save" />
            <sm:Action Behavior="Cancel" Context="Record" Name="Cancel" />

            <sm:Action Behavior="Create" Context="Container" DisplayName="Add" Icon="system://Plus" Name="Insert" />
            <sm:Action Behavior="Delete" Context="Selection" Icon="system://Trash" Name="Delete" />

This example is almost identical to Example: Creating a Simple List View Layout, except that it adds two actions, Save and Cancel, which you need to save or cancel changes to a data record.

Example: Configuring the List and the Editing Form Separately

To see an example of configuring the editing form differently than you do a list form, copy the code below to an .xml file, put the file in the \App_Data\Mobile folder of the MYOB Acumatica website, and start the mobile application.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sm:SiteMap xmlns:sm="" xmlns:xsi="">

    <sm:Folder DisplayName="Expense Receipts" Type="HubFolder" Icon="system://NewsPaper" >
        <sm:Screen Id="EP301010" Type="SimpleScreen" DisplayName="Expense Receipts" >
            <sm:Container Name="ExpenseReceipts" >
                <sm:Field Name="Date" />
                <sm:Field Name="ClaimAmount" />
                <sm:Field Name="DescriptionTranDesc" />
                <sm:Field Name="Currency" />

                <sm:Action Name="addNew" Context="Container" Behavior="Create" Redirect="true" Icon="system://Plus" />
                <sm:Action Name="editDetail" Context="Container" Behavior="Open" Redirect="true" />
                <sm:Action Name="Delete" Context="Selection" Behavior="Delete" Icon="system://Trash" />

    <sm:Screen Id="EP301020" Type="SimpleScreen" Icon="system://Display1" DisplayName="Expense Receipt" Visible="false" OpenAs="Form">
        <sm:Container Name="ReceiptDetails" >
            <sm:Field Name="Date" />
            <sm:Field Name="Description" />
            <sm:Field Name="ExpenseItem" />
            <sm:Field Name="TotalAmount" />

            <sm:Action Name="Save" Context="Record" Behavior="Save" />
            <sm:Action Name="Cancel" Context="Record" Behavior="Cancel" />

In this example, you use the EP301010 screen to display the list form, and you use the EP301020 screen to display the editing form. The same approach is used in MYOB Acumatica.

To hide the editing form from the main menu of the mobile application, set the Visible attribute to false for the sm:Screen tag; see the EP301020 screen configuration above.

In the list form (EP301010), you find two actions that can be invoked to open the editing form for a data record: Behavior="Create" and Behavior="Open". The Redirect="true" attribute indicates that the editing form needs to be opened as a different screen. The actual screen that will be opened is determined by the server logic.