Grouping Fields on a Form

You can combine fields into groups, as the following example shows, to make data entry more logical and intuitive.

Example: Grouping Fields

To see an example of grouping fields into groups, copy the code below to an .xml file, put the file in the \App_Data\Mobile folder of the MYOB Acumatica website, and start the mobile application.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sm:SiteMap xmlns:sm="" xmlns:xsi="">

    <sm:Folder DisplayName="Expense Receipts" Type="HubFolder" Icon="system://NewsPaper" >
        <sm:Screen Id="EP301010" Type="SimpleScreen" DisplayName="Expense Receipts" >
            <sm:Container Name="ExpenseReceipts" >
                <sm:Field Name="Date" />
                <sm:Field Name="ClaimAmount" />
                <sm:Field Name="DescriptionTranDesc" />
                <sm:Field Name="Currency" />

                <sm:Action Name="addNew" Context="Container" Behavior="Create" Redirect="true" Icon="system://Plus" />
                <sm:Action Name="editDetail" Context="Container" Behavior="Open" Redirect="true" />
                <sm:Action Name="Delete" Context="Selection" Behavior="Delete" Icon="system://Trash" />

    <sm:Screen Id="EP301020" Type="SimpleScreen" Icon="system://Display1" DisplayName="Expense Receipt" Visible="false" OpenAs="Form">
        <sm:Container Name="ReceiptDetails" >
            <sm:Field Name="Date" />
            <sm:Field Name="Description" />

            <sm:Group DisplayName="Details" Collapsable="true" Collapsed="true">
                <sm:Field Name="ExpenseItem" />
                <sm:Field Name="TotalAmount" />

            <sm:Action Name="Save" Context="Record" Behavior="Save" />
            <sm:Action Name="Cancel" Context="Record" Behavior="Cancel" />

While entering data, the user may collapse or expand a particular group of fields. You can prevent a group from being collapsed by setting the Collapsable attribute of the group to false (by default, the attribute value is true). If a group is collapsible (the Collapsable attribute is set to true), the Collapsed attribute indicates whether a group is initially collapsed (by default, the attribute value is false).

You can see the result in the mobile application in the following screenshots.

Figure 1. A collapsible group on a screen

The left screenshot shows the Details group that is initially collapsed. If the user clicks on the header of the group, the group will expand, as shown in the right screenshot.