Custom Sales Order Types

In addition to the predefined order types MYOB Advanced provides for common order processing operations, if the Custom Order Types feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, you can create more order types to support business processes in your company that cannot be supported with the predefined order types.

You configure custom order types that are based on the available templates, which generally involves creating a new order type with a predefined template and making slight changes to the order type settings. Custom order types that you have configured appear for selection in the Order Type box of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form. Users can then create new orders of custom types and process them in accordance with the workflow configured for the template.

CAUTION: Although the Template tab is not hidden, we do not recommend that you modify the available templates. In exceptional cases, new custom templates can be created with the help of the MYOB Advanced development team, and custom order types can be based on those templates.

The sections below describe the creation of custom order types based on predefined templates and custom templates.

Order Types Based on Predefined Templates

On the Order Types (SO201000) form, you can view the settings of predefined order types and create new custom order types that are based on predefined templates. When you create a new order type based on a predefined template, you make minor modifications of the predefined template order type. For example, you can create separate quote order types, based on the QT (Quote) template, for the customer price classes of wholesale, retail, and catalog customers. These types might use different numbering sequences to determine order IDs and different sets of General Ledger accounts and subaccounts. Also, the types might have different processing options specified on the Order Types form, such as the setting that determines whether the system performs a credit check when the quotes are entered.

The following order type templates are available:

  • CM (Credit Memo): The built-in template for the CM order type. You use documents of this type to adjust already-completed sales orders.
  • CR (Cash Return): The built-in template for the CR order type. Documents of this type are used when the customer returns goods from a cash sale order that did not involve shipping.
  • IN (Invoice): The built-in template for the IN order type. You use documents of this type to bill the customer for shipped goods.
  • CS (Cash Sale): The built-in template for the CS order type. You use documents of this type to register cash sales.
  • QT (Quote): The built-in template for the QT order type. Documents of this type register the customer's intention to buy goods in the specified quantity, on the specified date, and at the specified price.
  • RC (Return for Credit): The built-in template for the RC order type. You use documents of this type to register customer returns for credit without replacement.
  • RM (Generic Authorized Return): The built-in template for the RM order type. Documents of this type register customer returns with replacement for credit within the product's warranty period.
  • RR (Return with Replacement): The built-in template for the RR order type. You use documents of this type to register customer returns with exact replacement of goods.
  • SA (Sales Order with Allocation): The built-in template for the SA order type. You create documents of this type to record customers' requests to purchase goods and to reserve the requested goods for the orders.
  • SO (Sales Order): The built-in template for the SO order type. Documents of this type are created to record customers' requests to purchase goods that should then be shipped to the customer location.
  • TR (Transfer): The built-in template for the TR order type. You generate documents of this type to record stock replenishment by transferring goods from the source warehouse to a destination warehouse.

    This order type appears only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Order Types Based on Custom Templates

The functionality of order types is implemented through specific workflows developed for each of the forms involved in order processing: Sales Orders, Shipments (SO302000), and Invoices (SO303000). This functionality defines, for orders of specific types with each status, what actions are enabled and under what conditions. You can use the Workflow Visual Editor to make changes in the predefined workflows. For details, see Diagram View: General Information. Workflows use various built-in order and shipment plans. The following predefined workflows are available:

  • Sales Order: Implements typical sales order processing
  • Invoice: Implements typical invoice order and cash sale order processing
  • Transfer Order: Implements typical transfer processing
  • Quote: Implements typical quote processing
  • Credit Memo: Implements typical credit memo processing
  • RMA Order: Implements processing for typical types of customer returns: returns for credit, returns with replacement, and RMA returns

The settings in the Operations area on the Template tab of the Order Types (SO201000) form affect the integration of orders with the inventory and accounts receivable functionality. For example, for the RC (Return for Credit) template, the default inventory operation for receiving the returned goods will be Receipt and a credit memo will be generated on the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form to reimburse the customer for the returned goods. With the RR (Return for Replacement) template, no accounts receivable document will be generated for an order of the type, while the release of the receipt (the default inventory operation for this order type) will initiate the creation of an issue to account for the replacement sent to the customer in the same quantity with the same price.