DeviceHub User Interface Reference

In this topic, you will find the user interface reference information for the DeviceHub application.

Main Menu

On the main menu, you can invoke a variety of commands that allow you to configure the application and start or pause the application's activity.

Table 1. File MenuBy using the commands on this menu, you can configure or close the application.
Element Description

Opens the Configuration window, in which you specify the application settings and configure the devices connected via the application.


Closes the application.

Table 2. Actions MenuYou use the commands on this menu to pause or restart the application.
Element Description

Pauses the application's activity.


Runs the application activity.

Log Tab

This tab contains a toolbar with the following button and the log area, which displays a chronological list of events related to the application, each with a date and time.

Table 3. ToolbarThe toolbar of this tab contains only one action, which you use to clear the existing lines of the log.
Element Description

Clears the log area.

Scales Tab

This tab contains the list of digital scales that are connected via the application. The tab is displayed if the Enable scale support check box is selected on the General tab of the Configuration window.

Table 4. Scale ListThis table lists the digital scales that are connected via the application.
Column Description
Scale ID

The identifier of the digital scale.


The last weight received from this digital scale.

Diagnostics Tab

This tab contains a toolbar and the log area, which displays a chronological list of diagnostic details about all devices connected via the application, each with a date and time. The tab is displayed if the Collect diagnostics check box is selected on the Log tab of the Configuration window.

Table 5. ToolbarThe toolbar of this tab contains only one action, which you use to clear the existing lines of the log.
Element Description

Clears the log area.

Resources Tab

This tab contains the information about the resources that are currently being used for the loading and printing processes. The tab is displayed if the Collect diagnostics check box is selected on the Log tab of the Configuration window.

Table 6. File Loading PaneThis pane displays information about the threads that are currently being used for parallel processing of the file-loading tasks.
Element Description
In Progress An informational element that shows the number of file-loading threads that are currently being processed.
Pending An informational element that shows the number of file-loading threads that are currently waiting for processing.
Task list The list of the file-loading tasks, organized in a tree-like structure, grouped by the threads if parallel processing has been configured and is being used.
Table 7. Printing PaneThis pane displays information about the threads that are currently being used for parallel processing of the printing tasks.
Element Description
In Progress An informational element that shows the number of printing threads that are currently being processed.
Pending An informational element that shows the number of printing threads that are currently waiting for processing.
Task list The list of the printing tasks, organized in a tree-like structure, grouped by the threads if parallel processing has been configured and is being used.

Configuration Window

You use this window to specify the settings of the DeviceHub application.

Table 8. General TabThis tab contains the general settings of this DeviceHub instance.
Element Description
DeviceHub ID The unique identifier to be used for this DeviceHub instance.
Enable scale support A check box that indicates (if selected) that digital scales can be configured and connected via the application.
Enable scanner support A check box that indicates (if selected) that scanners can be configured and connected via the application.
The Methods of retrieving print jobs section includes the following elements.
Use push notifications A check box that indicates (if selected) that the application receives print jobs via push notifications that are sent when a user clicks the Print or Reprint button on any of the applicable MYOB Acumatica forms.

If this check box is selected, the Regular check box becomes available for selection.

Poll on start or reconnection A check box that indicates (if selected) that the DeviceHub receives print jobs that are awaiting processing each time it runs or restarts.
Poll regularly

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the print jobs that are awaiting processing are automatically received regularly at the specified periods of time.

This check box is available for selection only if the Use push notifications check box is selected.

If you select this check box, the following elements become available: Poll every x sec and Do not poll last x sec

Poll every x sec

The interval in seconds at which the application receives print jobs.

This box is available for selection only if the Poll regularly check box is selected.

Do not poll last x sec

The timeout period in seconds during which the application does not receive print jobs.

This box is available for selection only if the Poll regularly check box is selected.

Table 9. Connection TabOn this tab, you specify the settings for connecting the application to the MYOB Acumatica instance.
Element Description
URL The URL of the configured MYOB Acumatica instance for which DeviceHub is configured (for example, http://localhost/AcumaticaDB).
Login The user login that DeviceHub will use to connect to the MYOB Acumatica instance.
Password The password that DeviceHub will use to connect to the MYOB Acumatica instance.
Tenant The login name of the tenant to which DeviceHub will connect. (If you have only one tenant in your MYOB Acumatica instance, leave the box empty.)
The Connection timeout section includes the following elements.
Send for x sec The amount of time during which the application is sending the connection request.
Receive for x sec The amount of time during which the application is waiting for the connection response.
Table 10. Processing TabOn this tab, you specify settings that optimize the processing of documents.
Element Description
Combine every x documents when printing

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the application will combine the specified number of documents of the same type (that is, the same reports printed on the same printer) into a single PDF file to be printed.

If this check box is cleared, each document to be printed is received in a separate PDF.

Use parallel processing A check box that indicates (if selected) that the application will use parallel processing to process print jobs for all connected printers. If this check box is selected, the Max loading threads and Max printing threads boxes become available.

If the check box is cleared, all print jobs are processed in the global printing queue (except the print jobs for the printers that have individual settings to use parallel processing configured on the Printers tab). In this case, the Max loading threads and Max printing threads boxes are unavailable.

Max loading threads The maximum number of threads that may be used for loading print jobs.

This box is available only if the Use parallel processing check box is selected on this tab.

Max printing threads The maximum number of threads that may be used for printing.

This box is available only if the Use parallel processing check box is selected on this tab.

Create print task when x documents received or every y sec The rules of processing print tasks kept in the application's buffer. In the first box, you specify the maximum number of documents kept in the buffer before the application processes them; in the second box, you specify the interval when a print task is created, regardless of the number of the documents in the buffer.
Table 11. Log TabOn this tab, you specify which information the application collects and displays in the log.
Element Description
Collect diagnostics A check box that indicates (if selected) that the extended diagnostic information is collected and shown on the Diagnostics and Resources tabs of the application.
Save log to file A check box that indicates (if selected) that the log must be saved to a file when the application is running. If this check box is selected, the Log folder and Keep log files for x days boxes become available.
Log folder The folder where the log file will be saved. You can leave the default folder that is filled in or specify another folder.
Keep log files for x days The number of days for which the log is kept. The default value is 30.

This value is applicable and the box is available if the Save log to file check box is selected.

The tab has the following buttons next to the Log folder box.
Browse Opens the system dialog box, which you can use to look for the folder in which the application will store the log file.
Open folder Opens the folder in which the log file is stored.
Table 12. Printers TabThis tab consists of a list of printers (on the left side of the tab) and a variety of buttons and elements. You can add a printer and specify its settings, and you can select any printer in the list and then remove the printer or specify its settings.
Element Description
Printer list A list of the printers that are configured and connected via the application. You can select any printer in this list to remove the printer, or to specify or edit its settings.
Add A button below the printer list that you click to add a new printer to the list. You click this button and then specify the settings of the new printer on the right side of the tab.
Remove A button below the printer list that you click to remove a printer from the list; you select a printer in the printer list before clicking this button.
Name The unique identifier of the printer. Only digits and uppercase letters may be used for printer names.
Printer The hardware device to be configured for use as a printer.
Raw mode (for use with compatible label printers) A check box that indicates (if selected) that the selected printer is to be used for printing labels.
Paper size The paper size to be used by default when the documents are printed on the selected printer. The default value is <Printer Default>, which means that the default settings of the specific printer will be used.
Paper bin The paper bin to be used by default when the documents are printed on the selected printer. The default value is <Printer Default>, which means that the default settings of the specific printer will be used.

The paper orientation to be used by default for printing the documents on the selected printer. One of the following option buttons should be selected:

  • Automatic: The default setting of the printer will be used for printing the documents on the selected printer.
  • Portrait: The portrait orientation will be used for printing the documents on the selected printer.
  • Landscape: The landscape orientation will be used for printing the documents on the selected printer.
Use parallel processing A check box that indicates (if selected) that the application uses parallel processing for print jobs sent to this printer. If this check box is selected, the Max loading threads and Max printing threads boxes on this tab become available.

If the check box is cleared, the application uses the global processing settings specified on the Processing tab. In this case, the Max loading threads and Max printing threads boxes on this tab are unavailable.

Print jobs for a printer that have the Raw mode check box selected are always processed in a separate thread.
Max loading threads The maximum number of threads that may be used for loading print jobs.

This box is available only if the Use parallel processing check box is selected on this tab.

Max printing threads The maximum number of threads that may be used for printing.

This box is available only if the Use parallel processing check box is selected on this tab.

Table 13. Digital Scales TabThis tab consists of a list of digital scales (on the left side of the tab) and a variety of buttons and elements. You can add a digital scale and specify its settings, and you can select any digital scale in the list and then remove it or specify its settings.

This tab is shown if the Enable scale support check box is selected on the General tab.

Element Description
Scale list A list of the digital scale devices that have been configured and connected via the application. You can select any scale in this list to remove the scale, or to specify or edit its settings.
Add A button below the scale list that you click to add a new digital scales to the list. You click this button and then specify the settings of the new digital scale on the right side of the tab.
Remove A button below the scale list that you click to remove a digital scale from the list; you select a scale in the list before clicking this button.
Scale ID The unique identifier of the selected digital scale (or the digital scale you are adding). Only digits and uppercase letters can be used for scale names.
Device The hardware device to be configured for use as a scale.
Show all devices A check box that indicates (if selected) that all devices connected to the computer will be displayed in the Device box and will be available for selection. (You select this check box to be able to select the digital scale that you are configuring if it is not detected as a scale device.)
Table 14. Scanners TabThis tab lists the scanners connected via the application (on the left side of the tab) and shows the settings that can be configured for these scanners. You can add a scanner and specify its settings, and you can select any scanner in the list and then remove the scanner or specify its settings.
Only one scanner can be managed by each workstation due to limitations with scanning simultaneously from the same workstation with a single scanner driver of the manufacturer. That is, when DeviceHub is used for scanning, it must be installed on each workstation that is connected to a scanner for proper functionality.

This tab is shown if the Enable scanner support check box is selected on the General tab.

Element Description
Scanner list A list of the scanners that are configured and connected via the application. You can select any scanner in this list to remove the scanner, or to specify or edit its settings.
Add A button below the scanner list that you click to add a new scanner to the list. You click this button and then specify the settings of the new scanner on the right side of the tab.
Remove A button below the scanner list that you click to remove a scanner from the list; you select a scanner in the list before clicking this button.
Name The unique identifier of the scanner. Only digits and uppercase letters may be used for the names of scanners.
Scanner The hardware device to be configured for use as a scanner.
Paper source The paper source to be used by default when the document is being scanned on the selected scanner. The default value is <Glass>.
Color mode The color mode to be used by default when a document is being scanned on the selected scanner. The default value is <RGB>.
Resolution The output resolution to be used by default when scanning on the selected scanner. The default value is <100>.
File type The type of the file to which the scanning result will be saved. The default value is <Image>.
Table 15. Footer AreaYou use the buttons in the footer area to open the configuration file, and to apply or cancel your changes to the configuration settings.
Element Description
Open configuration file Opens the application's configuration file (user.config).
OK Applies the configured settings and closes the window.
Cancel Discards the changes and closes the window.