GL Transactions: Implementation Checklist

Before users begin processing GL batches, you must make sure that the system has been configured properly and that all required entities have been created, as described in the following table

FormSettings to CheckNotes
Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) formMake sure the Standard Financials feature has been enabled.
Multiple formsMake sure that the minimum configuration of the company has been performed, as described in Company Without Branches: General Information.
Chart of Accounts (GL202500) formCheck whether the necessary accounts have been created.
Company Financial Calendar (GL201100) formBe sure that the financial periods for which transactions will be created have a status of Open.You can generate the necessary periods on the Master Financial Calendar (GL201000) form.

Settings That Can Affect the Processing Workflow

The settings on the General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) form can affect the processing workflow as follows:

  • If the Hold Batches on Entry check box is selected, a batch is saved with the On Hold status by default. If the batch is on hold, you should click Remove Hold on the toolbar of the Journal Transactions (GL301000) form for the batch so that you can process it further. If the check box is cleared, the batch is saved with the Balanced status.
  • If the Validate Batch Control Totals on Entry check box is selected, you have to enter the batch control total before you save the batch on the Journal Transactions form. If this check box is cleared and the status of the batch is Balanced, the system automatically validates the batch.
  • If the Automatically Post on Release check box is selected, the system posts batches on release. If this check box is cleared, you have to post the batches after release.