GL Transactions: Mass-Processing

This topic explains how to release and post multiple batches.

Mass-Releasing Batches

You can release multiple batches on the Release Transactions (GL501000) form. On this form, you click Release All on the form toolbar and you select the unlabeled check box next to the lines to be processed, and click Release to release batches.

The system releases the batches. Depending on the posting settings specified on the General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) form, one of the following events occurs:
  • If the Automatically Post on Release check box is cleared, the batch is released. The batch is given the Unposted status.
  • If the Automatically Post on Release check box is selected, the batch is posted to the general ledger and is assigned the Posted status.

Mass-Posting Batches

On the Post Transactions (GL502000) form, you can also post released batches by selecting them and clicking Post, or you can post all released batches by clicking Post All. The system posts the batches and assigns the Posted status to them.