To Create a Deposit

You use the Bank Deposits (CA305000) form to create a deposit into a bank account. For details on bank deposits, see Preparation of Deposits.

Before You Proceed

Before you start creating a cash transaction, make sure that all the necessary entry types have been created on the Entry Types (CA203000) form and associated with cash accounts on the Cash Accounts (CA202000) form. For details on entry types, see Entry Types.

To Create a Deposit

  1. Open the Bank Deposits (CA305000) form.
    To open the form for creating a new record, type the form ID in the Search box, and on the Search form, point at the form title and click New right of the title.
  2. On the form toolbar, click Add New Record to create a new deposit.
  3. In the Tran. Type box, select CA Deposit.
  4. In the Cash Account box, select the cash account to which the deposit will be posted.
  5. In the Document Ref. box, enter the external reference number of the deposit (that is, the reference number the financial institution has assigned to the deposit).
  6. If needed, in the Cash Drop Account box, select the cash account from which you also want to deposit some amount to the bank account.
  7. If you have selected a cash drop account, in the Cash Drop Amount box, specify the amount that you want to deposit from the cash drop account.
  8. In the Deposit Date box, change the date, if needed.

    The Fin. Period box is filled in automatically, based on the selected document date.

  9. If needed, in the Description box, enter a brief description of the deposit.
  10. On the Payments tab, click Add Payment. The Add Payment to Deposit dialog box opens.
  11. In the Add Payment to Deposit dialog box, do the following:
    1. If needed, in the Clearing Account box, select the clearing account where payments were recorded.
    2. If needed, in the Payment Method, select the payment method used for recording payments.
    3. In the Start Date box, change the start date of the time period for which you want to view payments, if needed.
    4. In the End Date box, change the end date of the time period for which you want to view payments, if needed.
    5. In the table, select the payments that are being deposited by selecting the appropriate unlabeled check boxes.
    6. Click Add & Close to exit the dialog box and add the selected payments to the Payments tab.
  12. If needed, on the Charges tab, click Add Row, and for each charge that has been applied to the bank deposit specify the following settings:
    • Charge: The ID of the entry type of this bank charge.
    • Payment Method: The payment method of the deposited payments to which this charge should be applied.
      If a payment method is not specified for this charge, the charge will be applied to all payments except for those for which another charge is specified.
    • Chargeable Amount: The amount to be used as a base for the charge.
    • Charge Amount: The amount of the charge.
    For the clearing account associated with the bank cash account to which the deposit will be posted, you can also configure a charge rate that will be applied automatically by the system when you create a bank deposit for this clearing account.
  13. On the form toolbar, click Save to save your changes.