To Print a Deposit Slip

You can print a selected deposit slip by using the Deposit Slip (CA656500) report. You can navigate to this form as described in the procedure below, or you can print a deposit slip for a particular deposit by clicking Print Deposit Slip under Reports on the More menu of the Bank Deposits (CA305000) form and performing Steps 5–6 of the following procedure.

To Print a Deposit Slip

  1. Open the Deposit Slip (CA656500) form.
  2. On the Report Parameters tab, check the Document Type box, and change it, if needed.
  3. In the Reference Number box, select the deposit you want to print.
  4. On the form toolbar, click Run Report.
  5. On the form toolbar of the generated report, click Print. The browser opens the Print dialog box with printing options.
  6. Select the appropriate options to print the entire report or selected pages, and start printing.