To Add a Payment Method for the U.S. ACH Plug-In

You use the Payment Methods (CA204000) form to create a payment method to be used for Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments through the U.S. ACH plug-in.

Before You Proceed

Review the cash accounts you have and decide which ones you are going to use as the source of payments to your vendors. You will specify these in Step 9 below.

To Add a Payment Method for the U.S. ACH Plug-In

To add a payment method that uses the U.S. ACH plug-in, do the following:

  1. Open the Payment Methods (CA204000) form.
  2. On the form toolbar, click Add New Record.
  3. In the Payment Method ID box, type the identifier you want to use for the payment method (such as USACH).
  4. Select the Active check box to make the payment method available for use in the system.
  5. In the Means of Payment box, select the Direct Deposit option.
  6. Select the Use in AP check box to make the payment method available to be assigned to vendors.
  7. Select the Require Remittance Information for Cash Account check box. The Remittance Settings tab appears on the form so you can add elements to fill with the ACH credentials for the cash accounts.
  8. In the Description box, type a description for the payment method.
  9. On the Settings for Use in AP tab, configure the export of batches to a file to be sent to the ACH operator for processing as follows:
    1. In the Additional Processing section, select the Create Batch Payments option button to indicate that the payment method involves creating payment batches.
    2. In the Export Method box, select U.S. ACH Plug-In.
    3. Select the Release Batch Payment Before Export check box if you want to export ACH payment batches after they are released. If you want to export batches before release, leave this check box cleared.
    4. In the Payment Method Details table, review the elements that have been added automatically, which will appear on the Vendors (AP303000) form so that users can enter the ACH credentials that are specific to the particular vendor.
  10. On the Allowed Cash Accounts tab, do the following to add the list of cash accounts you are planning to use as a source for payments made to vendors by using the payment method:
    1. For each cash account you want to link to the payment method, on the table toolbar, click Add Row. In the Cash Account box, select the cash account.
    2. Select the AP Default check box for the listed cash account that is to be used by default.
    3. Select the Quick Batch Generation check box to quickly prepare batches of AP payments on the Prepare Payments (AP503000) form.
  11. On the Remittance Settings tab, review the automatically added elements that will shown appear on the Cash Accounts (CA202000) form so users can enter your company's ACH credentials for each cash account.
  12. On the Plug-In Settings tab, review the plug-in settings, which were added automatically when you selected the U.S. ACH plug-in. To review all settings, select the Show All Settings check box.
  13. Optional: Update the values for the needed settings according to the vendor's or bank's requirements.

    For the list of available plug-in settings, see Settings of the U.S. ACH Plug-In.

  14. On the form toolbar, click Save.

After the payment method is configured, you should specify your remittance information for each cash account that you have listed on the Allowed Cash Accounts tab (as described in To Add Remittance Information to a Cash Account), and specify ACH credentials for each vendor that agreed to receive your payments through the ACH network.

To Add Payment Details for a Vendor

To add payment details for a vendor that will receive your payments, do the following:

  1. Open the Vendors (AP303000) form.
  2. In the Vendor ID box, select the ID of the vendor whose settings you need to update.
  3. On the Payment tab, select the U.S. ACH payment method in the Payment Method box.

    The Payment Instructions table is displayed.

  4. In the table, fill in the payment details that you have received from the vendor.
  5. In the Account Type box, select the type of the recipient's account—Checking Account or Savings Account.
  6. On the form toolbar, click Save.