Customer Statement

Form ID: (AR641500)

This report displays a customer statement for a selected customer, or statements for customers associated with the selected statement cycle (if you leave the Customer ID box blank on this report form).

The report includes the amounts of open customer refunds in the aging buckets as invoices. To age the refund balance, the system uses the refund's date, which is specified in the Payment Date box on the Financial tab of the Payments and Applications (AR302000) form. A voided refund reduces the bucket amount of overdue charges, invoices, and debit memos, as a payment does.

Depending on the state of the Age Credits check box on the Accounts Receivable Preferences (AR101000) form, credit memos are included in statement buckets as follows:

  • If the check box is selected, credit memos with credit terms are included in the bucket related to the due date if Age Based On is set to Due Date on the Statement Cycles (AR202800) form or in the bucket related to the document date if Age Based On is set to Document Date.

    Credit memos without credit terms are included in the bucket related to the document date.

  • If the check box is cleared, whether or not credit memos have credit terms, the system defines the bucket by deducting amounts from the aging bucket amounts starting from the rightmost column. The remaining amount is shown in the Current bucket if the customer's balance is negative.

The option selected in the Prepare Statements box on the Accounts Receivable Preferences form determines the transactions displayed in the report, as shown in the following table.

Option in the Prepare Statements Box How Transactions Are Organized in Statements
For Each Branch Transactions related to each branch are included in a separate statement.
Consolidate for Company

Transactions related to all branches of the same company are included in a single statement.

Consolidate for All Companies

Transactions related to all branches are included in a single statement.

Regardless of the option selected in the Prepare Statements box, documents will be sorted by Document Date in the report.

You generate this report from the Prepare Statements (AR503500) form, the Statement History Details (AR404300) form, or the Customer Statement History (AR404600) form. To change the parameters of the report, you can click the Parameters button on the report toolbar of the generated report.

If Consolidate Statements is selected on the Billing tab of the Customers (AR303000) form for the selected customer, the customer statement report will include parent-child companies in this report.

See the following section for a description of each parameter on the Report Parameters tab of the report form. For more information about using other elements on the report form, see Reports.

Report-Specific Parameters

You can use the following parameters to select the information to be displayed on the report:

  • Company: The company for which you want to view information. You can select a company or make no selection to view information about all companies in the tenant.
  • Branch: The branch for which you want to view information. You can select a branch or make no selection to view information about all branches of the selected company.
  • Statement Date: The statement date.

    By default, it is the date of the statement whose row you clicked on the Customer Statement History (AR404600) form (before clicking Print Statement) or the date you specified on the Prepare Statements (AR503500) form or the Statement History Details (AR404300) form.

  • Statement Cycle ID: The statement cycle by its ID.
  • Customer ID: The customer for which the statement will be printed. Select a customer from the list of active customers, or leave the box blank to generate the statements of about all customers. You can view all the generated customer statements by clicking the navigation buttons on the report toolbar.
  • Message to Customer: The note for the customer or customers (depending on whether the report has been generated for one customer or multiple customers). In this box, you type the text to be displayed in the report.