TPAR Reporting

Australian businesses in the building and construction industries that make payments to contractors for building and construction services are required to report these payments to the Australian Tax Office (ATO) on the "Taxable payments annual report\" (TPAR). See "Taxable payments annual report (TPAR)" on the ATO website for more information.

Enabling TPAR Reporting

Enabling Payment Tracking Tracking payments for TPAR reporting can be turned on or off at several levels in the MYOB Advanced System. The Supplier Classes (AP201000) screen contains a Track for TPAR option - when this option is ticked, any new suppliers that are created with this class will track payments for TPAR by default. An Apply TPAR to all Suppliers toolbar button is available to apply the current Track for TPAR setting to all suppliers of this class.

The Track for TPAR setting can be set for individual suppliers on the Suppliers (AP303000) screen. When Track for TPAR is ticked, extra fields become available:
  • The ABN field should contain the Australian Business Number that will be used for this supplier when filing the TPAR. The ABN entered here will be used for TPAR reporting only.
  • The TPAR Location field is an optional setting that lets you specify a location to use for TPAR reporting, to determine address, contact and banking details for the supplier. You can use this if you've set up a specific location with an ATO-registered address details for TPAR.

Tracking Payments

A Track for TPAR option is avaiable on the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) screen. When Track for TPAR is ticked for a supplier, any bills raised for that supplier will also have their Track for TPAR option ticked; however, you can change this option for individual bills as necessary. Once a bill is released, the Track for TPAR option becomes read-only, but it is still possible to change its status using the Track for TPAR / Stop tracking for TPAR actions. These actions allow you to turn on tracking for historical payments from the current financial year that were released before the MYOB Advanced system was upgraded to 2020.4.

On the Cheques and Payments (AP302000) screen, the table on the Documents to Apply tab has a read-only Track for TPAR column, which shows the TPAR status of all bills included in the payment.

Producing TPAR Reports

Two TPAR inquiries and two TPAR reports are available, letting you view detailed and summary information about TPAR payments and produce the TPAR report for sending to the ATO.
These inquiries and reports always reports on a single financial year: 1 July – 30 June. The system check payments' Post Date field to see if they should be included in the TPAR report for a year - the Post Period is not used.

TPAR Summary

The TPAR Summary (MBTX4010) inquiry displays data for a selected company and financial year, and allows you to generate a TPAR file for submission to the ATO. It shows a summary of TPAR amounts for each supplier.

Clicking on the amount in the TPAR Amount column opens the TPAR Review Supplier Payments inquiry in a separate window, showing details of the payments included in the selected supplier's TPAR amount (see below).

To produce a TPAR file for submission to the ATO, us the options in the Export TPAR File dropdown:
  • Validate TPAR file – Validates all the data in the submission file to ensure the correct address, name, bank, ABN etc information is valid for submission to the ATO. A text file is created, which will either list any data that needs to be updated for each supplier, or a message saying that the validation was successful.
  • Generate TPAR file – Generates a TPAR export file for the selected company and year. This file can then be lodged with the ATO—see “Lodging your TPAR” on the ATO website for details.
You do not have to validate the file before generating it, but we strongly recommend that you do.
This screen also has a Reports dropdown, which gives access to the TPAR Summary Report and TPAR Details Report (see below).

TPAR Review Supplier Payments

The TPAR Review Supplier Payments (MPTX4011) inquiry screen shows all payments for the selected company and supplier over the selected financial year. Individual transactions, can be marked as tracked or not tracked for TPAR.
The Amount Paid column shows the amount that is eligible for TPAR, less any withholding payment amount.
The Reports dropdown gives access to the TPAR Details Report for the selected supplier (see below).

TPAR Summary Report

The TPAR Summary Report (MBTX6040) provides a printable report that shows the same data that appears on the TPAR Summary inquiry screen.

TPAR Details Report

The TPAR Details Report (MBTX6041) provides a printable report that shows the TPAR-tracked transactions for a specific supplier, as they would appear on the TPAR Review Supplier Payments screen.