Template Item Entity

This topic provides reference information about the standard filtering and field mapping used for the Template Item entity during the synchronization between MYOB Advanced and Shopify. The topic also contains information about the merging of duplicate records during the synchronization.

Merging of Duplicates

During the export of template items from MYOB Advanced, a template item is merged with an existing product in Shopify if its ID in MYOB Advanced—that is, the value in the Inventory ID box on the Template Items form—matches the SKU of the product in Shopify.

Template Item Export Mapping

The following table shows the mapping of MYOB Advanced fields to Shopify fields that is used during the export of template items to Shopify.

Table 1. Template Item Export Mapping
Source Fields (MYOB Advanced) Target Fields (Shopify)
Field Name Form Object Field Name Page Object Notes
Template Items (IN203000) form
Product ID Visible in the URL of the product page (<store URL>/admin/products/<product id>) Product ID is generated by Shopify.
Description Summary area Title Product page
Item Class General tab > Item Defaults section Product Type Product page > Product organization section
Description Description tab Description Product page Images contained in the description in MYOB Advanced are not exported.
Vendor ID Vendors tab Vendor Product page > Product organization section The vendor for which the Default check box is selected on the Vendors tab is exported.
Search Keywords eCommerce tab Tags Product page > Product organization section
Category ID Fulfillment tab > Sales Categories table Tags Products page > Product organization section Sales categories are exported to tags only if on the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form, the Sales Category Export box is set to Export as Product Tags.
Visibility: Visible eCommerce tab Product page > Product status section The status is set to Active and the Online Store sales channel is selected.
Visibility: Featured eCommerce tab Product page > Product status section The status is set to Active and the Online Store sales channel is selected.
Visibility: Invisible eCommerce tab Product page > Product status section The status is set to Draft.

The following table includes the mapping of MYOB Advanced fields to Shopify fields that is used during the export of matrix items to Shopify as part of the synchronization of the Template Item entity.

Table 2. Matrix Item Export Mapping
Source Fields (MYOB Advanced) Target Fields (Shopify)
Field Name Form Object Field Name Page Object Notes
Variant ID Visible in the URL of the product variant page (<store URL>/admin/products/<product id>/variants/<variant id>) Variant ID is generated by Shopify. Shopify supports up to 100 variants per product.
Template Items (IN203000) form
Attribute Configuration tab > Attributes section Product variant page > Options section Shopify supports up to three options.
Attribute Value Item Creation tab Product variant page > Options section
Default Price Price/Cost tab > Price Management section Price Product variant page > > Pricing section If the Multiple Base Currencies feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the system exports the default price defined in the currency of the branch selected on the Order Settings tab of the Shopify Stores form.
Tax Category General tab > Item Defaults section Charge tax on this variant Product variant page > > Pricing section The check box is selected if Tax Category is set to Taxable; the check box is cleared if Tax Category is set to Exempt.
MSRP Price/Cost tab > Price Management section Compare at price Product variant page > > Pricing section If the Multiple Base Currencies feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the system exports the MSRP defined in the currency of the branch selected on the Order Settings tab of the Shopify Stores form.
Alternate Type: Barcode Cross-Reference tab Barcode (ISBN, UPC, GTIN, etc.) Product variant page > Inventory section
Page Title eCommerce tab Page title Product variant page > Search engine listing section
Meta Description eCommerce tab Description Product variant page > > Search engine listing section
Availability: Set as Available (Track Qty.) eCommerce tab Track quantity Product variant page > Inventory section The Track quantity check box is selected.
Availability: Set as Available (Don't Track Qty.) eCommerce tab Track quantity Product variant page > Inventory section The Track quantitycheck box is cleared.
Availability: Set as Pre-Order eCommerce tab Track quantity Product variant page > Inventory section The Track quantitycheck box is cleared.
Availability: Set as Unavailable eCommerce tab Track quantity Product variant page > Inventory section The Track quantitycheck box is cleared. In the Product availability section, no sales channel is selected.
When Qty. Unavailable: Do Nothing eCommerce tab Continue selling when out of stock Product variant page > Inventory section

The setting applies only to synchronized items whose quantities have been synchronized.

If Available in the Quantity subsection becomes zero, the Continue selling when out of stock check box is selected.

When Qty. Unavailable: Set as Unavailable eCommerce tab Continue selling when out of stock Product variant page > Inventory section

The setting applies only to synchronized items whose quantities have been synchronized.

If Available in the Quantity subsection becomes zero, the Continue selling when out of stock check box is cleared.

When Qty. Unavailable: Set as Pre-Order/Continue Selling eCommerce tab Continue selling when out of stock Product variant page > Inventory section

The setting applies only to synchronized items whose quantities have been synchronized.

If Available in the Quantity subsection becomes zero, the Continue selling when out of stock

check box is selected.
Stock Items form (if the matrix item is a stock item) or Non-Stock Items form (if the matrix item is a non-stock item)
Inventory ID Summary area SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) Product variant page > Inventory section
Weight Packaging tab > Dimensions section Weight Product variant page >Shipping section > Weight subsection Only for matrix items that are stock items.
Weight UOM Packaging tab > Dimensions section Weight Product variant page > Shipping section > Weight subsection Only for matrix items that are stock items.
Item Classes (IN201000) form
Stock Item Item Classes (IN201000) form > General tab > General Settings settings This is a physical product Product variant page > Shipping section The This is a physical product check box is selected for a stock item (that is, for an item with an item class for which the Stock Item check box is selected on the Item Classes form) and cleared for a non-stock item (that is, for an item with an item class for which the Stock Item check box is cleared on the Item Classes form).