Shipment Entity

This topic provides reference information about the standard filtering and field mapping used for the Shipment entity during the synchronization between MYOB Advanced and Shopify.

Shipment Filtering

When shipments are exported to Shopify, a shipment is skipped if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The status of the shipment is Confirmed, Invoiced, or Completed.
  • The sales order related to the shipment has not been synchronized.

Shipment Export Mapping

The following table shows the mapping of MYOB Advanced fields to Shopify fields that is used during the export of shipment data to Shopify.

Table 1. Shipment Export Mapping
Source Fields (MYOB Advanced) Target Fields (Shopify)
Field Name Form Object Field Name Notes
Shipments (SO302000) form
Carrier Name tracking_company
Tracking Number Packages tab tracking_number, tracking numbers
Line Items
Shipped Qty. Summary area quantity
Sales Orders form
Inventory ID Details tab sku