Sales Order Entity

This topic provides reference information about the standard filtering and field mapping used for the Sales Order entity during the synchronization between MYOB Advanced and Shopify. The topic also contains information about the merging of duplicate records during the synchronization.

Sales Order Filtering

During the import of sales orders, a sales order is skipped if its status in Shopify is Canceled. For each order with the Completed or Archived status in Shopify, the system creates a synchronization record in MYOB Advanced and assigns it the Filtered status on the Sync History (BC301000) form.

During the export of sales orders, only sales orders that match the following conditions are exported:

  • The order's type is selected in the Order Types for Export box on the Order Settings tab of the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form.
  • The order's status is Open, Pending Processing, Shipping, Back Order, or Completed—that is, the Status box in the Summary area of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form is set to any of these values.

Merging of Duplicates

A sales order imported from the e-commerce store is merged with an existing sales order in MYOB Advanced if the ID of the Shopify order (found in the URL of the order page) matches the External Reference of the order, which is located on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, in MYOB Advanced.

Sales Order Import Mapping

The following table shows the mapping of Shopify fields to MYOB Advanced fields that is used during the import of sales order data from Shopify.

Table 1. Sales Order Import Mapping
Source Fields (Shopify) Target Fields (MYOB Advanced)
Field Name Page Object Field Name Form Object Notes
Sales Orders (SO301000) form
Order Type Summary area The order type is specified in the Order section on the Order Settings tab of the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form.
Description Summary area Default: <store name> | Order: <order number> | Status: <payment status>
created_at Order page > order summary Requested On Summary area This date is the same as the date shown in the Date box in the Summary area.
Status Summary area Default: Open
Order Summary Information
Email Order page > Contact Information section Email Addresses tab > Bill-To Contact section
Notes Order page > Notes section Notes Form toolbar
total_weight Not in the UI Order Weight Totals tab > Freight Info section
currency Currency Summary area This is the currency of the transaction.
total_discounts Order page > total of discount amounts Discount Total Summary area Applies if on the Order Settings tab (Order section) of the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form, the Show Discounts As box is set to Document Discounts.
order_number Order page > order summary External Reference Summary area The External Reference contains the order number and the store name.
created_at Order page > order summary Date Summary area
contact_email Order page >Contact Information section Email Addresses tab > Ship-To Contact section
discount_codes Order page > discount amounts External Discount Code Discounts tab
title Order page > tax lines Tax ID Taxes tab
rate Order page > tax lines Tax Rate Taxes tab
price Order page > tax lines Tax Amount Taxes tab
Billing Address
name Order page > Billing Address section Attention Addresses tab > Bill-To Contact section
company Order page > Billing Address section Account Name Addresses tab > Bill-To Contact section
address1 Order page > Billing Address section Address Line 1 Addresses tab > Bill-To Address section
address2 Order page > Billing Address section Address Line 2 Addresses tab > Bill-To Address section
city Order page > Billing Address section City Addresses tab > Bill-To Address section
zip Order page > Billing Address section Postal Code Addresses tab > Bill-To Address section
phone Order page > Billing Address section Phone 1 Addresses tab > Bill-To Contact section
country_code Order page > Billing Address section Country Addresses tab > Bill-To Address section The country code is transformed to the country name.
province_code Order page > Billing Address section State Addresses tab > Bill-To Address section
Shipping Address
name Order page > Shipping Address section Attention Addresses tab > Ship-To Contact section
company Order page > Shipping Address section Account Name Addresses tab > Ship-To Contact section
address1 Order page > Shipping Address section Address Line 1 Addresses tab > Ship-To Address section
address2 Order page > Shipping Address section Address Line 2 Addresses tab > Ship-To Address section
city Order page > Shipping Address section City Addresses tab > Ship-To Address section
zip Order page > Shipping Address section Postal Code Addresses tab > Ship-To Address section
phone Order page > Shipping Address section Phone 1 Addresses tab > Ship-To Contact section
country_code Order page > Shipping Address section Country Addresses tab > Ship-To Contact section The country code is transformed to the country name.
province_code Order page > Shipping Address section State Addresses tab > Ship-To Contact section
Customer Details
id Order page > Contact Information section Customer Summary area
email Order page > Contact Information section Email Addresses tab > Ship-To Contact section
Sales Order Details
quantity Order page > line items Quantity Details tab
sku Order page > line items Inventory ID Details tab
price Order page > line items Unit Price Details tab
total_discount Order page > line items Discount Amount Details tab Applies if on the Order Settings tab (Order section) of the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form, the Show Discounts As box is set to Line Discounts.
total_discount Order page > line items Discount Amt. Discounts tab Applies if on the Order Settings tab of the Shopify Stores form, the Show Discounts As box is set to Document Discounts.

Sales Order Export Mapping

The following table shows the mapping of MYOB Advanced fields to Shopify fields that is used during the export of sales order data from MYOB Advanced to Shopify.

Table 2. Sales Order Export Mapping
Source Fields (MYOB Advanced) Target Fields (Shopify)
Field Name Form Object Field Name Page Object Notes
Sales Orders (SO301000) form
Date Summary area created_at Order page > order summary
Customer Order Nbr. Summary area order_number Order page > order summary
External Reference Summary area id Order page > order summary The order identifier is displayed in the URL of the order page.
Discount Amt. Discounts tab amount Order page > discount amounts
Discount Code/External Discount Code Discounts tab code Order page > discount amounts
Sales Order Details
Inventory ID Details tab sku / variant_id Order page > line items
Line Description Details tab title / variant_title Order page > line items
Quantity Details tab quantity Order page > line items
Disc. Unit Price Details tab price Order page > line items
Tax Category Details tab taxable Order page > line items
Sales Order Tax
Tax ID Taxes tab title Order page > tax lines
Tax Rate Taxes tab rate Order page > tax lines
Tax Amount Taxes tab price Order page > tax lines
Shipping Address
Account Name Addresses tab > Ship-To Contact section company Order page > Shipping Address section
Attention Addresses tab > Ship-To Contact section first_name, last_name Order page > Shipping Address section
Phone 1 Addresses tab > Ship-To Contact section phone Order page > Shipping Address section
Email Addresses tab > Ship-To Contact section email Order page > Contact Information section
Address Line 1 Addresses tab > Ship-To Address section address1 Order page > Shipping Address section
Address Line 2 Addresses tab > Ship-To Address section address2 Order page > Shipping Address section
City Addresses tab > Ship-To Address section city Order page > Shipping Address section
Country Addresses tab > Ship-To Address section country_code Order page > Shipping Address section
Postal Code Addresses tab > Ship-To Address section zip Order page > Shipping Address section
State Addresses tab > Ship-To Address section province_code Order page > Shipping Address section
Billing Address
Account Name Addresses tab > Bill-To Contact section company Order page > Billing Address section
Attention Addresses tab > Bill-To Contact section first_name, last_name Order page > Billing Address section
Phone 1 Addresses tab > Bill-To Contact section phone Order page > Billing Address section
Email Addresses tab > Bill-To Contact section email Order page > Contact Information section
Address Line 1 Addresses tab > Bill-To Address section address1 Order page > Billing Address section
Address Line 2 Addresses tab > Bill-To Address section address2 Order page > Billing Address section
City Addresses tab > Bill-To Address section city Order page > Billing Address section
Country Addresses tab > Bill-To Address section country_code Order page > Billing Address section
State Addresses tab > Bill-To Address section province_code Order page > Billing Address section
Postal Code Addresses tab > Bill-To Address section zip Order page > Billing Address section
Customer Details
Email Addresses tab > Ship-To Contact section email Order page > Contact Information section
Account Name Addresses tab > Ship-To Contact section first_name, last_name Order page > Customer section
Order Totals
Order Weight Shipping tab > Order Shipping Settings section total_weight
Freight Price / Premium Freight Price Totals tab price, code, title The title and code are the shipping method mapped to the ship via code of the order
Status Payments tab financial_status Order page > order summary The exported order is assigned the Paid status in Shopify.