To Correct a Cash Entry

To correct an incorrect transaction of the Cash Entry type, you create a reversing cash transaction, release it, and then create and release the correct transaction. You perform these actions on the Cash Transactions (CA304000) form, as described in the procedure below.

Alternatively, to reverse an incorrect cash entry transaction, you can find the incorrect transaction on the Cash Account Details (CA303000) form, click the reference number of the transaction in the Orig. Doc. Number column to navigate to the Cash Transactions form, and then perform Steps 3–5 of the procedure below.

To Reverse a Cash Entry Transaction

  1. Open the Cash Transactions (CA304000) form.
  2. Find the incorrect cash transaction by clicking the navigation buttons on the form toolbar until you see it. Alternatively, click the lookup icon in the Reference Nbr. box, find the cash transaction in one of the following ways, and double-click the row to open the transaction:
    • Type a reference number in the search box in the upper-right corner. As you type, the system filters the listed transactions to display only those that contain the text in the Reference Nbr. column.
    • Click the column heading of a column you want to search, type a string in the search box, and press Enter. The system displays the items that contain the text in the column.
  3. On the form toolbar, click Reverse.
    If the transaction has already been reversed, the system displays a message that one or more reversing transactions have already been created. To continue, click Yes in the dialog box that opens.

    The system creates and displays a reversing cash transaction with negative amounts, the same details as the original cash transaction, a link to the original transaction in the Orig. Ref. Nbr. box in the Summary area, and a status of Balanced by default (the Hold Transactions on Entry check box on the Cash Management Preferences (CA101000) form is cleared).

  4. Make sure all the settings of the newly created transaction are correct, change them if necessary.
  5. Optional: In the Description box, enter a description of the reversing cash transaction.
  6. Optional: If the document was created with the On Hold status, on the form toolbar, click Remove Hold to give the document the Balanced status.
  7. Click Release to release the reversing cash transaction.
  8. In the Orig. Ref. Nbr. box in the Summary area, click the link to the original transaction. The transaction is opened in a pop-up window.
  9. In the Reversing Transactions box in the Summary area, click the link showing the number of reversing transactions.

    The system opens the list of reversing transactions in the CA Reversing Transactions (CA659000) report.

Now that you have created and released the reversing cash transaction, you can create and release the corrected cash transaction.