To Reopen a 1099 Year

After a 1099 year has been closed, you may discover that it was closed by mistake. You can reopen a 1099 year on the Close 1099 Year (AP507000) form.

Before You Proceed

Make sure that the user logged in to the system has been assigned to the Financial Supervisor role on the User Roles (SM201005) form.

To Reopen a 1099 Year

  1. Open the Close 1099 Year (AP507000) form.
  2. In the Company box, select a company for which you need to reopen the year.
  3. In the 1099 Year box, select the 1099 year you need to reopen.
  4. On the form toolbar, click Reopen Year.

    The status of the 1099 year changes to Open.