Extension Library

An extension library is a Microsoft Visual Studio project that contains customization code and can be individually developed and tested.

To move your code from your customization project to an extension library, you should first create an extension library and then move desired Code and DAC items to the extension library. After that you can develop your extension library in Visual Studio. See the following topics for details:

If you need to deploy the customization code of an extension library to another system, you have to add the library to a customization project as a File item to include it in a customization package. See To Add a Custom File to a Project for details.

An extension library .dll file must be located in the Bin folder of the website. At run time during the website initialization, all the .dll files of the folder are loaded into the server memory for use by the MYOB Advanced application. Therefore, all the code extensions included in a library are accessible from the application.

During the first initialization of a base class, the MYOB Advanced Customization Platform automatically discovers an extension for the class in the memory and applies the customization by replacing the base class with the merged result of the base class and the discovered extension.

Figure 1. Actual approach to the use of an extension library for a customization

The use of extension libraries that are precompiled provides a measure of protection for your source code and intellectual property.