To Add a Custom File to a Project

Before you can add a custom file to a customization project, you need to place this file in a folder within the website folder. For example, if you need to add an extension library file, you place it in the Bin folder of the website.

To add a custom file, which is placed in a folder within the website folder, to a customization project, do the following:

  1. Open the customization project in the Customization Project Editor. (See To Open a Project for details.)
  2. Click Files in the navigation pane to open the Custom Files page.
  3. On the page toolbar, click Add New Record.
  4. In the Add Files dialog box, which opens, find the file in the table and select the check box in the Selected column for it.
    • You can select multiple custom files to add them to the project at the same time.
    • For any files other than the ones placed in the Bin folder, you can click Refresh on the toolbar of the Add Files dialog box to make the system update the list of files in the table. If you have changed files in the Bin folder of the website, you should refresh the page in the browser.
  5. In the dialog box, click Save to save each selected file to the customization project as a File item.

If you modify the file added to a customization project in the file system, you have to update the appropriate File item in the project.