Changes in Webpages (ASPX)

To customize the look and behavior of an MYOB Advanced form, you need to change the ASPX code of the form. Because you need to include all the changes in a customization project, you have to perform the form customization by using the Screen Editor of the Customization Project Editor.

To collect all the changes that you make while you customize a form, the Screen Editor creates a Page item with a name that corresponds to the form ID, and includes the item in the currently selected customization project. This item contains XML code with instructions that have to be applied to the ASPX code of the form during the publication of the project.

For example, the following fragment of a Page item contains the XML code with the <AddItem> tag used to add the UsrSIMCardID field as a column to the Transactions grid.

<PXGridLevel DataMember="Transactions"
  <Children Key="Columns">
      <PXGridColumn TypeFullName="PX.Web.UI.PXGridColumn">
        <Prop Key="DataField" Value="UsrSIMCardID" />
        <Prop Key="Width" Value="160" />

In the XML code above, note that the <Prop> tag is used to set the Width property of the column to 160.

With the Screen Editor, you can customize any object in the ASPX code of an MYOB Advanced form and save the resulting changeset to the customization project. To apply the customization to the website, you have to publish the project.

For example, at the publication process, the platform transforms the XML code fragment above to the following fragment of ASPX code.
<px:PXGridColumn DataField="UsrSIMCardID" Width="160" />
During the publication of the project, the platform applies the XML changeset to the appropriate form to create a customized version of the .aspx file with the same name in the pages_xx subfolder of the CstPublished folder of the website. If the form ID contains the SO prefix, the customized ASPX code is located in the \CstPublished\pages_so folder, as the following screenshot shows.
Figure 1. Viewing the files with customized ASPX code in the CstPublished folder

After the project has been published, when MYOB Advanced has to display a form, first it tries to find the .aspx file of the form in the CstPublished folder. If it finds it, MYOB Advanced opens the customized version of the form instead of the original one.

Any customization of MYOB Advanced can be unpublished. If you unpublish a form customization, the platform deletes the corresponding file in the CstPublished folder of the website.