Button (PXButton)

In MYOB Advanced, the PXButton element is used for the following purposes:
  • In a dialog box—to display a button that closes the dialog box and returns a predefined DialogResult value
  • In a container with controls for a single data record (including a dialog box) of a form—to display a button that invokes a method defined in the graph, which provides the business logic for the form

The most common use case of the PXButton element is in a dialog box.

A button, as the diagram below shows, can be immediately added to the following types of containers:
  • PXFormView
  • RowTeplate
  • PXTabItem
  • PXSmartPanel
  • PXPanel
Figure 1. Nesting rules for a button in an ASPX page

To create a button in a container, follow the instructions described in To Add Another Supported Control.

To delete a button from a container, follow the instructions described in To Delete a Child UI Element.

For detailed information about using a button, see the following topics: