The Menus
The following menus are available in the main Exo Time and Attendance interface:
File Menu
This menu contains the main options for adding and editing employee masterfile.
Menu Item |
Description |
Employees |
This is used to add a new employee into Exo Time and Attendance, or to edit an employee for such changes as reassigning card numbers, costing or allowances. |
Notes (F12) |
This will take you to the selected employee's personnel Notes window. This window can also be accessed via the F12 key. |
Terminate/Reinstate |
This allows you to terminate any employee or to reinstate an employee who returns. |
Change Payroll Company |
This allows you to log out of the company you are in and access another company if you are running multiple companies. |
Exit |
This takes you out of the application and returns you to the desktop. |
Edit Menu
This menu handles operations on text that is contained in the currently selected field.
Menu Item |
Description |
Undo |
Cancel the last operation and revert back to the previous status. |
Redo |
Reapply the last operation at the current cursor position. |
Cut |
Move the currently selected text into the Windows clipboard. |
Copy |
Copy the currently selected text into the Windows clipboard. |
Paste |
Copy the contents of the Windows clipboard to the cursor position. |
Clear |
Delete the contents of the entire field, at the cursor position. |
Select All |
Select the contents of the entire field, at the cursor position. |
Scheduler Menu
The Scheduler offers a visual representation of your rostering rules, in daily planner form. Daily rules are drawn in a colour-coded array, and any changes to daily rules in the current or future pay periods will flow through to the entire Exo Time and Attendance system. Each screen on this menu offers a distinctly different but relevant viewpoint of your rostering activity.
Menu Item |
Description |
Staff Scheduler |
This is a form of daily planner, from which you can view and/or amend the scheduled daily rules for each day. The scheduled daily rules are initially derived from each employee's roster cycle and roster calendar. |
Head Count/Forecast |
This is a summary screen which displays a daily count of employees who are rostered for a given daily rule. Also attached to the day is a dollar amount, which is derived from the rostered hours for the daily rule, multiplied by the employee's productive cost per hour. |
Forecast vs Actual |
This is a summary screen which takes the information in the Head Count/Forecast screen a step further by comparing it on a daily basis with the actual times clocked in Exo Time and Attendance. |
Revenue Analysis |
Where the Forecast screen providers a count, hours and amount by daily rule, this screen provides a count, hours and amount by cost centre, and can optionally be compared against sales figures. |
Transactions Menu
This menu allows you to access the employees' clocked times, and assign them to pay periods for the calculation of overtime and allowances.
Menu Item |
Description |
Poll Timeclocks |
Upload the clockings stored in the time clock or bar wand base station, and import into the Maintain Times screen for review and maintenance. |
Maintain Times |
Maintain uploaded times by adding holiday and sick exceptions for employees who did not attend or validating days in which the employee forgot to clock in or out - in general making the times 100% accurate to what was actually worked. |
Pay Period Times |
Use the daily rules, weekly group rules and allowance rules to assign ordinary time, over Exo Time and Attendance-based allowances. Make any last minute changes to employees' times. |
One Off Pay Times |
Used for processing extra pay such as leave/termination pay/bonuses over and above the normal pay, after the normal pay period has been posted, but before the next one is due. |
Post to Payroll |
You have the ability to post wages, allowances and leave to an export file which can be imported into Payroll, thus paying your employees for their attendance. |
Reports Menu
Menu Item |
Description |
Clarity Report Writer |
This utility enables you to create your own customised reports. |
Print Reports |
Takes you to the list of available reports. |
Maintenance Menu
This menu allows you to configure lists of lookup items that may be used to track Exo Time and Attendance activity. This menu can be accessed three ways – via the menu, Toolbar icon or by pressing F2 anywhere in the application.
Menu Item |
Description |
Daily Rules |
Allows you to set up rules that contain expected start and finish times, time anchoring, meal breaks and overtime conditions. |
Rosters |
Enables you to configure any combination of expected daily rules to make up a pay period. |
Rounding Groups |
Allows you to set up in and out times to be rounded to nearest suitable increments, e.g. 5, 15 or 30 minutes. |
Weekly Groups |
Allows you to specify weekly minimums and maximums for your Rate Types. |
Allowances |
Allows you to set up rules for which the employee must qualify to earn an allowance unit, incrementing daily or hourly for any day of the week. |
Exceptions |
Set up conditions for extra payments or auditing in cases where the employee worked something different from the standard waged hours. Examples include annual leave, sick leave, bereavement leave, statutory holidays worked and not worked, alternative leave paid, and unpaid leave. |
Statutory Holiday Groups |
Set up your observed statutory holidays, and whether or not to accrue an alternative holiday should clockings be picked up for those days. |
Employee Groups |
Allows you to set up group templates of Exo Time and Attendance conditions, enabling you to apply several rules to an employee at once, at the time of adding. |
Job Costing |
Allows you to set up Cost Centres. You can set up names for parts of Cost Centres, and delete and reinstate Cost Centres |
Departments |
Allows you to allocate your employees to different departments thereby giving you the ability to group and sub-total reports. |
Cost Centres |
Allows you to allocate productive costs to different areas of your business. |
Note Types |
Allows you to set up personnel notes that can be categorised by codes and then printed in report format. |
Scheduling Criteria |
Scheduling Criteria serves as an open-ended mechanism for listing and assigning the attributes of an employee which bear relevance to the question of whether to include or exclude that person from the roster for the day in question. |
Utilities Menu
This menu offers configuration options relating to the current company, and the Exo Time and Attendance software in general.
Menu Item |
Description |
Backup |
This allows you to back up your data at any time to either a floppy disk or your hard drive. |
Restore |
This is used when you need to restore a backup due to hardware failure or corruption. |
File Reindex |
This is a repair utility. |
Setup Exo Time and Attendance |
This contains the companies' details and several control settings such as your rate types, costing structure, and swipe card prefix. |
User Security |
This is where you would set up the various users who will have access to the program's menu items and what rights they have. Exo Time and Attendance is a multi user system. |
Delete Old Information |
This is for deleting old times and costing information which is no longer needed - this speeds up the overall access times to the data, particularly in a network environment. |
Backup Options |
This is where you specify your backup media and where the files will be archived |
Time Clock Setup |
This is for setting parameters so that your computer's serial port can interface with time tracking hardware such as TimeClocks and infra-red scanners. |
Help Menu
This menu provides you with shortcuts to commonly used functions, and also provides access to comprehensive product documentation.
Menu Item |
Description |
Help Topics |
Opens the online Help. Help can also be accessed anywhere in the program by pressing F1. |
MYOB Education Centre |
Opens the MYOB Education Centre website in a web browser. |
What's New in this Release |
Opens PDF release notes, detailing new features and resolved issues in the current version. |
Online Knowledgebase |
Opens the MYOB Enterprise Knowledgebase website in a web browser. |
Show Reminders |
This displays all notes with Reminder dates up to today's date, which have not been marked as Completed. |
Setup Cycle |
This is used to access the Setup Cycle when initially setting up a company. |
Time Cycle |
This is used to access the Time Cycle when processing a pay period. The Time Cycle can be selected from the Toolbar or the Help Menu. |
Upgrade Software |
This is a tool with which you can upgrade your version of the software, providing you have the most recently available CD. |
Upgrade Software Online |
This function accesses the Internet to upgrade your current version of MYOB software online. |
About |
This shows the current version number and who the software is licensed to. Press F11 at any time to view the About screen independently of the menu. |
Special Menu
If any additional modules have been added to the Exo Time and Attendance system, a Special menu becomes available. This menu has one option: Special Applications. Selecting this option opens a window that lets you open any available special modules.
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