To Enable Silent Logon

Note: The information in this topic is obsolete. To configure single sign-on with Google or Microsoft Account, use the OpenID Providers (SM303020) form, as described in Integrating MYOB Advanced with Open ID Identity Providers.
To make your users authenticate themselves with a selected identity provider, you enable the silent logon capability and select the identity provider to be used by default.
Attention: This functionality is available only if the Google and Microsoft SSO feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Before You Proceed

Before you enable silent logon, you need to configure your MYOB Advanced instance to use the external identity provider with which you want to set up silent logon.

If you want to enable silent logon with Google or Microsoft Account, make sure that your users have registered their external accounts with the MYOB Advanced instance, as described in To Activate Your Google or Microsoft Account.

To Enable Silent Logon

  1. Open the web.config file for the site instance.
    Tip: Usually the file is located in %Program Files%\MYOB Advanced\<instance name>, where <instance name> is the name of the application instance website.
    Important: When you save changes to the web.config file, the website is automatically restarted. Make sure that all users are warned about the restart so that they can save their documents in advance.
  2. Add the Silentlogin parameter to the <externalAuth> section, as shown below.
    <externalAuth returnUrl="Main.aspx" authUrl="Frames/AuthDock.ashx" 
    silentLogin="{parameter}" />
  3. Specify one of the following values of the Silentlogin parameter, depending on the identity provider.
    • Federation: To enable silent logon with Microsoft Azure Active Directory or Active Directory Federation Services, depending on your system configuration.
    • Google: To enable silent logon with Google.
    • MicrosoftAccount: To enable silent logon with Microsoft Account.
  4. Save your changes to web.config.

To Disable Silent Logon

  1. Open the web.config file for the site instance.
    Tip: Usually the file is located in %Program Files%\MYOB Advanced\<instance name>, where <instance name> is the name of the application instance website.
    Important: When you save changes to the web.config file, the website is automatically restarted. Make sure that all users are warned about the restart so that they can save their documents in advance.
  2. Specify the none value for the Silentlogin parameter in the <externalAuth> section, as shown below.
    <externalAuth returnUrl="Main.aspx" authUrl="Frames/AuthDock.ashx" 
    silentLogin="none" />
  3. Save your changes to web.config.

To Override Silent Logon Settings with URL Parameters

You can specify a different external identity provider or disable silent logon using the SilentLogin URL parameter with a corresponding value in the URL of your MYOB Advanced instance or a particular form. It overrides a value of the SilentLogin parameter specified in the web.config file.

The SilentLogin URL parameter can take the following values.

Parameter Identity Provider
None MYOB Advanced
Federation Microsoft Azure Active Directory or Active Directory Federation Services
Google Google
MicrosoftAccount Microsoft Account


To sign in to an MYOB Advanced instance using silent logon for Google account, you use the following URL: