To Create Drop-Ship Purchase Orders for Multiple Sales Orders

You can create multiple drop-ship purchase orders for sales orders at the same time by mass-processing purchase requests of the Drop-Ship type on the Create Purchase Orders (PO505000) form.

To Create Drop-Ship Purchase Orders for Multiple Sales Orders

  1. Open the Create Purchase Orders (PO505000) form.
  2. In the Order Type box of the Selection area of the form, select SO (or a custom order type used in your organization for drop shipping).
  3. If needed, change the Creation Date, which is the date on which the purchase order will be generated.
  4. In the table, select the unlabeled check boxes in the rows of the needed lines with the Drop-Ship type, and make sure each of the selected lines has the proper vendor specified.
  5. Click Process on the form toolbar, or click Process All to generate purchase orders for all listed sales orders. The system generates the drop-ship purchase orders.