To Create a Consolidated Purchase Receipt for Drop-Ship Orders
You can create a consolidated purchase receipt for multiple drop-ship purchase orders of the same vendor by using the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form.
To Create a Consolidated Purchase Receipt for a Drop-Ship Order
- Open the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form.
- Select Receipt as the document type.
- Select the vendor that has delivered the goods or services to the customers.
- On the table toolbar of the Details tab, click
Add PO.
The Add Purchase Order dialog box opens with the list of the vendor's open purchase orders.
- In the Type box of the dialog box, select Drop-Ship.
- Select the unlabeled check boxes in the rows of the drop-ship purchase orders you want to add to the receipt.
- Click Add & Close to add the lines of the selected orders to the receipt and close the dialog box.
- On the Details tab, for each line with an item
that is tracked by lot or serial numbers and for which the Required
for Drop Shipments check box is selected on the Lot/Serial Classes (IN207000) form, click
Allocations on the table toolbar, and assign the lot
numbers to specific quantities or the serial numbers to particular units of the
item.Note:The system ignores the assignment method of the lot or serial class for items on drop-ship orders and, by default, requires assignment in the purchase receipt.
- If the Control Qty. box appears in the Summary area of the form, type the control total.
- Make sure the Hold check box is cleared, and save the receipt.