To Turn On Location Tracking of a User

You use the Users (SM201010) form to turn on and configure location tracking for a particular user. With this location tracking turned on, the user's past location coordinates can be viewed on the Location Tracking History (SM202000) form.

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To Turn On Location Tracking for a User

  1. Open the Users (SM201010) form.
  2. In the Login box, select the user whose location you want to track.
  3. On the Location Tracking tab, select the Track Location check box.
  4. In the Tracking Frequency box, check the default time interval at which the device registers the user location, and change this value if necessary.
  5. In the Distance Frequency box, check the default distance that the user has to move so that the device again registers the user location, and change this value if necessary.
  6. If the system has filled in the table, check the values in the table, and change them if necessary.

    If an employee account is selected in the Linked Entity box of the Summary area of the current form, when the Location Tracking check box is initially selected, the system copies the settings to this table from the calendar assigned to the employee in the Calendar box of the Employees (EP203000) form.

  7. If the table is empty, do the following for each day of the week when the user's location should be tracked:
    1. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
    2. In the Day of Week column of the added row, select the day of the week on which the user location has to be tracked.
    3. In the Start Time column, specify the time when the location tracking starts for this day of the week.
    4. In the End Time column, specify the time when the location tracking ends for this day of the week.
  8. On the form toolbar, click Save.